Add Shortcut to Home Screen
Tap Add shortcut to Home to quickly add a shortcut to the bookmarked web page on the Home screen.
Share Link
Tap Share link to email a bookmarked web page’s URL address to someone. The email Compose window immediately opens with the URL already listed in the body of the message.
Copy & Paste URL
Tap Copy link URL to copy the bookmarked web page’s URL so you can paste it into an application’s entry field. To paste, touch & hold in the entry field to display a
Delete Bookmark
1.Tap Delete bookmark.
2.Tap OK to confirm deletion.
Up to the last 8 websites you have visited are cached and shown in the Windows screen allowing you to quickly return to them.
Open New Window
1.In an open browser window, tap , tap New Window.
2.If only one window was open, the new window opens immediately.
If you already have multiple windows open, tap to open a new window.
3.Tap , tap Go and enter the new website address.
4.Tap Go.
Switch Windows
1.In an open browser window, tap , tap New Window.
2.Tap on the window that you want to view.
If more than 4 windows are open, finger slide vertically to view all windows.
Close Windows
1.In an open browser window, tap , tap New Window.
2.Tap on each window you want to close.