Thiel Audio Products lCS2.2 manual Bottom Viewof Speaker

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Congratulationson your purchaseof theTHIEL modelCS2,2loudspeakersystem.It is the resultof a lon-e anddedicatedeflort to provideverv accuratemusicreproductionWe. haveusedonly thehighestquality componentsandtakengreatcarein its constructionProperly.setup andusedwith goodassociated equipment,theCS2.2swill providevou with a greatdealof musicalenjoymentfor manyyears.


The CS2.2sarerelativelynon-criticalto roompiacerrentandwill providegoodresultsfiom alrnostanywhereHowever. .here aresomeguidelinesto helpvou achievethebestsoundll'clrnrour speirkersSpeakerplaccrrent.will atlecttheaccuracvo1'tirnbre. spatialperfbrmanceand.basspertbrmance.

Distancefiom rvalls:THIEL speakersancl.mostothers.sounclbestrt theyareplaceclwell awayfronrall walls.Suchplacement optimizesimaginganddepth.anclmusicaltirlbresareleproduceclu'itlrthe leastcolorationbecauseit allowsthe initialsound corningfrom the speakerto bedistinctlyseparateclin time frclrnthese,-'ondarysoundof wall reflectionslf. reflectionsarehearcl

too clurcklyafterthe prirrarysound. braintendsto interpretthenrirspartof the initialsound.causinsthe pefceivedtimbreto 1'our

be alteredandthe spatialchafacteristicsto beconfused.

THIEL speakerswill soundbestwhenplaceriat leastonetbot from:he backwall anclat least3 f'eetfiom thesiclewall. We like

to seethe speakersthreef'eetfiom the rearu'ailanclfive f'eettiom the sidewall. If


u'illnoticea major'




improvementin opennesswhenthe speakersareeventwo t'eettiom therearwall insteadof one.Also. it is not dcsirablefbr lar-se objectsto be placednearthe spcakerssincethesewill alsobe a sourceof unwantedearlyreflectionsthatreclr.rceimaging dccuracy.

Spacing:Becauseof theirverv wicle.evenciispersionof energy.I'HIELspeakersshouldusuallybe placetlfnrthcrapartthan most .Optimumirlagingis usuallyachievedwhenthespeakersandth,:listenerformanequilateraltrianglealthough.thiswill dependon the width of theroom-a narrowroom will recluirecloserplacement. If the spetrkersaretoo far apartfur a given

environment,therewill tendtclbea




in the rriclclleof thesound

if theyaretoo closetogethcrthc. irlage will be

compressedandwill not achieveoptimumu'idth.

Aiming: We usuallypref'erthe imagin-obtainedwhenthe speakersarepointedstraightaheadratherthanpointingtowardthe listenerThis. placementproducesthe largestmost.rraturalsoundstageHowever.toeingthe speakersin somewhatrnayproduce

morespecificplacementsof instrumentsAlso,.if it is not possibleto the speakersfar enoughawayfrom the siclewalls,a toed-


in positioncanbe helpfulto reducethe strengthof wall reflections.

Bass:Bassresponseis alsoafl-ecteclby speakerplacementIn. generirlwhen.a speakeris closeto a wall the bassresponseis stl'ongeranclplacinga speakerin a cornerwill makeit evenmoreso.ln orderto is necessary for the speakerto be usedin theenvironmentlor which it wasdesignedTHIEL. speakersaredesignedto provideaccuratebass whenpositionedawayfiom all walls-the samepositionthatprovidesthebestimaging.

Listener position:The CS2.2sprovidebroaddispersionof energyat all frequenciesancltherefbreprovidegoodresults throughouta largelisteningarea.Bestimagingis providedfbr a listenercenteredin fiont of the speakersOptin'rum.phaseand time alignmentis providedonly for a seatedlistenerwho is eightor moref-eetarvalr-rornthe speakels.

and e.rperimentntiortisnecessctrt'to achievethe bcstrcsults.

Connecting the Speakers

TheCS2.2'sinputten.r.rinalsarelocatedon thebottomof thespeakerTo. gainiiccessto thesethespeakershouldbe laidon itsbackor side.Mukesurethatall ( ontrc(ti()nsdt ( tight.

It is essentialfbr properperfbrmancethatboth speakers in a stereosystembe wired in the samepolarity.The speaker'sinputterminalsarecolorcodedto facilitatethis. The wire connectedto the red input terminalof each speakershouldconnectto the respectivepositiveoutput terminalsof theamplifier:thewireconnectedto theblack input tenninalsshouldbe connectedto the respective negativeoutputterminalsof theamplifier.

The speakersshouldbeconnectedto theamplifierwith high qualitycableto ensureminimal lossof power and propercontrol by the amplifier. lf the speakersarebeing connectedto a vacuum tube amplifier with various impedancetaps,theulohm tap will usuallygive thebest results.




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Contents Thiel Bottom Viewof Speaker Page Thiet

lCS2.2 specifications

Thiel Audio Products has long been synonymous with high-fidelity sound, and the CS2.2 serves as a testament to the company’s dedication to audio excellence. This loudspeaker model, which debuted in the 1990s, remains a sought-after choice for audiophiles seeking an immersive listening experience. The CS2.2 combines innovative technologies with meticulous engineering, delivering a sound that is both lifelike and dynamic.

At the heart of the CS2.2 is its proprietary coaxial driver design, which features a 1-inch titanium dome tweeter mounted within a 6.5-inch aluminum cone woofer. This unique arrangement allows for precise phase coherence and improved imaging, ensuring that sound waves reach the listener's ears at the same time. The result is a more cohesive soundstage, allowing listeners to hear the subtle nuances in music, from the softest whispers to the grandest crescendos.

Another standout feature of the CS2.2 is its use of an advanced crossover network. This system is meticulously designed to manage frequency distribution effectively, providing a seamless transition between the woofer and tweeter. With a transition frequency of 2,000 Hz, the CS2.2 maintains clarity and detail across the audible spectrum, delivering a balanced sound that does not sacrifice warmth or detail.

Construction quality is paramount in the CS2.2, which features a sturdy cabinet made from thick MDF to minimize resonance and unwanted vibrations. The speakers are also finished with a choice of real wood veneers, elevating both their aesthetic appeal and structural integrity. Additionally, the CS2.2 features a rear-firing bass port design, allowing for extended low-frequency response without distorting the music’s tonal balance.

The CS2.2 is engineered for versatility, making it suitable for various listening environments. Whether you are setting up a dedicated listening room, a home theater, or integrating the speakers into a multi-room sound system, the CS2.2 performs consistently across different conditions.

Overall, the Thiel Audio CS2.2 embodies the brand's commitment to audio fidelity with its innovative driver technologies, sophisticated crossover design, and robust construction. It remains a compelling option for those who seek a high-quality listening experience, reinforcing why Thiel Audio has earned its reputation as a leader in the audio industry.