Appendix A: RS-232 Serial Overview and Commands
I n t r o d u c t i o n
This document outlines Velodyne’s SubContractor (SC)
Com Por t Setup
Use standard communications settings: Baud Rate: 9600, Data Bits: 8, Parity: None,
Stop Bits: 1
SC IN and OUT Por t Pin Configuration
SC serial ports use a standard configuration that allows direct connection to a PC via a FEMALE to MALE serial cable. It uses only three pins (Transmit, Receive, Ground).
The pin configurations are:
IN: Pin 2 = Transmit
Pin 3 = Receive
Pin 5 = Ground
OUT: Pin 2 = Receive
Pin 3 = Transmit
Pin 5 = Ground
Runtime Command Format
Byte Number | Byte Description | Notes |
0 | ‘#’ | Header Character |
1 to 3 or 4 | Command and | 3 to 4 ASCII characters see formats below |
| Parameter Data | Case sensitive - CAPS ONLY! |
4 or 5 | ‘$’ | Termination Character (required or |
| command is ignored) |
.w w w . v e l o d y n e . c o m |
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