The second setting is instructing the location of the corresponding execution file of the selected program.
For each media softwares, it should have an execution file to start up with. Simply we have already provided the default path for those software. If you have changed the path during
the installation of the Media Player software (e.g. WinAmp 5), you need to input the correct path manually, e.g. Winamp was installed in the drive “D:\winamp/winamp.exe” instead of the default path “C:\PROGRAM FILES\WINAMP\WINAMP.EXE”, so you have to type
manually the path for the execution file.
There are two ways to find out the execution path for the media program path:
You can either right click from the shortcut icon from the desktop, or
Go to ‘Programs’ from the start menu, point to the winamp execution file under windows program bar, right click and select ‘Properties’.