2.Click once on the black arrow so that all of your drives are shown. Your CD- ROM drive is the one that has the
Please remember it and move to section B.
B.Next, you need to check that CoPilot is looking to this drive to locate the Data CD.
To do this:
1.Go to your Start button/Programs/Windows Explorer and click on the drive letter which corresponds to your hard drive (usually C).
2.Within drive C, find the folder Program Files and
3.Find the "TravRoute" folder and
4.Find the folder "CP2002" and
5.Find the folder APP and double click on it
6.You'll see a file named "data.cfg" listed among other folders.
7.The second line of the file should read: "LRGridDir"="E:\Data". Make sure the letter between "=" and ":" is your
8.Close Windows Explorer and run CoPilot normally.
CoPilot keeps saying "No GPS signal. Please check the power connections" OR I keep getting the error message "bad handle pass to Com function." What should I do?
This indicates that CoPilot is not getting GPS data from the antenna/receiver either because the GPS unit is not getting power, or because the GPS data is not getting from the antenna/ receiver into your laptop.
1.Is the GPS unit getting power?
A. If you are powering the GPS unit through your car's cigarette lighter, you car needs to be turned on and the adapter needs to fit snugly into the cigarette lighter.
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