shows, it means the user had set up a PIN code password to protect the SIM card. Please enter the correct PIN code password to read/write to the Phonebook.
−PUK (Personal Unlocking Number) can unlock personal identification. As a safety feature, the SIM card will be locked after the user enters wrong the PIN code three times. At this time, user must enter a PUK to unlock password.
Please Note: The SIM card will be no longer work if the PUK is entered 10 consecutive times.
−GSM/CDMA has four kinds of coding methods.
SIM Editor can support all of it and select the best editor model automatically.
−The only valid input characters for GSM are: “0” ~ “9”,” #” and “*”.
−Please refer to the right side of Phonebook about entries of phone numbers and messages. The quantity of entries depends on the capacity of SIM card memory.
2. Drivers Installation
2.1 Installation Notice
−SIM Editor can edit data of SIM card in Windows environment.
−It means the SIM card reader only can read/write the SIM card released by the Mobile operator. The copy SIM card can't be read/write.
2.2 Installation Procedures:
−When the card reader at attached to a computer, the below window will appear. Click “cancel” to close the window if you don’t need to read the SIM card.
If you need to read SIM card, put CD Driver into