Custom – Opens the Custom Descreen window, which allows you to specify a custom line screen value. Refer to the Using Custom Descreen Settings section for information about how to set custom descreen values.
Using Custom Descreen Settings
You can also specify custom descreen settings that you can use when you want to change the lines per inch setting to eliminate patterns that are generated while scanning printed images. You can enter custom settings that range from 35 to 400 lines per inch. To define the custom descreen settings:
1.Choose the Custom… option from the Descreen drop down menu. The Custom Descreen window opens.
2.Enter the desired lines per inch setting (between 35 and 400 lpi) in the Custom descreen lpi #1 text box.
3.Repeat step 2 to define the Custom descreen #2 and Custom descreen #3 settings.
4.Click OK. The settings you defined appear on the Descreen setting drop down menu, under the Custom heading.
Changing the Filter Setting
Image filters are used to soften or sharpen edges and boundaries of an image.
VistaScan provides the following filter options:
No Filter – Use this option when you do not want to sharpen or blur the image.
Sharpen – Use this option to sharpen lines that may be fuzzy or not clean in the original image.
Sharpen More – Use this option when you want to sharpen the image more than the standard Sharpen filter does.
Blur – Use this option when you want to soften the edges of an image.
Blur More – use this option when you want to soften the edges more than the Blur filter does.
Changing the Scan Factor
Scaling lets you automatically enlarge or reduce an image from its original size (100%) as it is scanned. The scale factor affects the size of the scanned image and the printed scan output.