Victor V34 manual HandlingPrecautions

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the￿battery￿at￿least￿once￿every￿three￿years.￿Dead batteries can leak, causing damage to and malfunction of￿the￿calculator.￿Never￿leave￿the￿dead￿battery￿in￿the calculator.

The battery that comes with this unit discharges slightly during￿shipment￿and￿storage.￿Because￿of￿this,￿it￿may require￿replacement sooner￿than￿the￿normal￿expected battery￿life.

Low￿battery￿power￿can￿cause￿memory￿contents￿to become￿corrupted￿or￿lost￿completely. Always￿keep written￿records￿of￿all￿important￿data.

Avoid use and storage in areas subject to temperature extremes. Very low temperatures can cause slow display response, total failure of the display, and shortening of battery life. Also avoid leaving the calculator in direct sunlight, near a window, near a heater or anywhere else it might become exposed to very high temperature. Heat can cause discoloration or deformation of the calculator’s case, and damage to internal circuitry.

Avoid use and storage in areas subject to large amounts of￿humidity￿and￿dust. Take care never to leave the calculator￿where￿it￿might￿be￿splashed￿by￿water￿or exposed￿to￿large￿amounts￿of￿humidity￿or￿dust.￿Such elements￿can￿damage￿internal￿circuitry.


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Contents Owners Guide V34 Scientific Calculator Preface VictorTechnologyLLC HandlingPrecautions Page GeneralInformation Two-lineDisplayPreviousEntries Last Answer OrderofOperationsClearingandCorrecting FractionsAngleModes TrigonometryHyperbolics LogarithmsRectangularPolar ConstantsNotation MemoryStatistics Variables Definition Probability RandDEG +-2+9 + 4=6 213+4 61/3 314 100 Log100 DEG RAD GRD Tan0 Degk Bcde FIX DEG DEG Stat DEG FRQ=1 Stat DEG NPr nCr Base-NCalculations 1000000000 1Binary,Octal,Decimal,Hexadecimalconversions Page InputRanges P u t R a n g e Guide dutilisation Calculatrice scientifique Préface Garantielimitée Précautionsàprendre Page Informationsgénérales AffichagesurdeuxlignesEntréesprécédentes Dernièreréponse SéquencedesopérationsEffaceretcorriger Modesdecalculdesangles TrigonométrieHyperboles LogarithmesConversion de coordonnées rectangulaires et polaires ConstantesMémoire StatistiquesVariable Définition Probabilité DEG +-2+9 + 4=6 213+4 61/3 314 100 Log100 DEG RAD GRD Tan0 Degk Bcde FIX DEG DEG Stat DEG FRQ=1 Stat DEG NPr nCr CalculsenmodeBASE-N 4000000000 Comment 22 à la puissance 3Opérationslogiques Exemple Entrées Étendue des entrées