Victor V34 manual

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Never￿twist￿or￿bend￿the￿calculator. Avoid￿carrying￿the calculator￿in￿the￿pocket￿of￿your￿trousers￿or￿other tight-fitting￿clothing￿where￿it￿might be￿subjected￿to twisting￿or￿bending.


Never press the keys of the calculator with a ball-point pen or other pointed object.

Use a soft, dry cloth to clean the exterior of the unit. If the calculator becomes very dirty, wipe it off with a cloth moistened in a weak solution of water and a mild neutral household detergent. Wring out all excess moisture before wiping the calculator. Never use thinner, benzene or other volatile agents to clean the calculator. Doing so can remove printed markings and damage the case.


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Contents Owners Guide V34 Scientific Calculator Preface VictorTechnologyLLC HandlingPrecautions Page PreviousEntries Two-lineDisplayGeneralInformation OrderofOperations Last AnswerFractions ClearingandCorrectingTrigonometry AngleModesLogarithms HyperbolicsRectangularPolar ConstantsStatistics MemoryNotation Variables Definition Rand ProbabilityDEG +-2+9 + 4=6 213+4 61/3 314 100 Log100 DEG RAD GRD Tan0 Degk Bcde FIX DEG DEG Stat DEG FRQ=1 Stat DEG NPr nCr Base-NCalculations 1000000000 1Binary,Octal,Decimal,Hexadecimalconversions Page InputRanges P u t R a n g e Guide dutilisation Calculatrice scientifique Préface Garantielimitée Précautionsàprendre Page Entréesprécédentes AffichagesurdeuxlignesInformationsgénérales Séquencedesopérations DernièreréponseEffaceretcorriger Trigonométrie ModesdecalculdesanglesLogarithmes HyperbolesConversion de coordonnées rectangulaires et polaires ConstantesStatistiques MémoireVariable Définition Probabilité DEG +-2+9 + 4=6 213+4 61/3 314 100 Log100 DEG RAD GRD Tan0 Degk Bcde FIX DEG DEG Stat DEG FRQ=1 Stat DEG NPr nCr CalculsenmodeBASE-N 4000000000 Comment 22 à la puissance 3Opérationslogiques Exemple Entrées Étendue des entrées