ASCӝӝ Message Storage in Register & Program Memory
T11T1 S can store ASCӝӝ messages in either program memory, register memory, or both . There are over
1,000 data registers on the standard Ti and over 4,000 data registers on the T1 that can be used for
Aӝӝ message storage . This makes T1 s ideal for use with the
High-Speed Counter ӝnput
The TӝM has two
Pulse Encoder | Phase A | 5 kHz max . for each phase | r, |
| |||
| Phase B |
| |
Both rising and fall ӝng edge of each phase are counted, 20 k counts per second may,
Analog Register Adjustment
Each T11T1 has two terminals (which can be adjusted with a screwdriver) that vary the value in two separate registers. These registers can be used as presets for timers and counters, maximum, minimum, or equal values for comparisons, add or subtract adjustments, etc .
PuӝseӝPi M Output
An output from the Ti/T1 S cart generate a variable frequency output (5 kHz max_)_ The output can also be driven so that it switches ON and OFF at varying duty cycles . This output can be used to drive a stepper motor or to simulate an analog output (D input types only).
CVN PUӝse nnn | Stepper Motor |
CCW Pulse | nnn |
Output pulse rate . 50 Hz to 5 kHz
Password Protection
The Tӝ 1T1S can be programmed with no password, or with one of three selectable protection levels .
This is a serious password utility . There is no way for anyone to recover, modify or view a folly protected program .