Profile Manager
•Windows XP/Server
•Mac OS
•Mac OS X
2.If the desired profile does not appear, click Browse to go to a different directory. Browse to the directory containing the profile you want to download and click OK.
3.When the profile you want to download appears in the list in the main Profile Manager window, select it.
If the profile is compatible with the
NOTE: On Windows computers, the profiles must have an extension of .icc or .icm to be listed. On Mac OS computers, the profiles must have a file type of “profile.”
All ICC profiles in the selected directory on your computer are displayed in the list in the main Profile Manager window. However, because a profile is listed does not necessarily mean it can be downloaded to the
Simulation profiles should be profiles only for those devices you want the
4.Click the arrow to download the profile and click OK when the download is complete.
The new profile now appears in the list of profiles on the right side of the Profile Manager main window.