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AVG 3512 is a
802.11b/g WLAN together. It support SIPv2 (RFC3261) protocol and with abundant telephony features. The PSTN interface support power failure to switch to PSTN call automatically and specific dial to PSTN call manually. Wireless LAN with both Access Point and Client mode, with automatically site scan and access control by MAC address. Support WDS and Universal Repeater to connect different wireless network together. The Wireless ISP feature support to connect to ISP's wireless network directly.
․Support both WDS and Universal Repeater, easy to connect the different wireless network together.
․Security protect by Firewall and Denial of Service.
․Voice packet (FXS) with higher priority than LAN ports.
․Wireless ISP, easy set to connect to various ISP' swireless network.
․Support diverse networking connection of ADSL Modem, Cable Modem, and Leased line. ․Multiple VPN protocol
․Flexible Dial Plan for VoIP, PSTN, and Wireless call.
IP Network connection Broadband Router (IP Gateway)
IPv4 (RFC 791)
MAC Address (IEEE 802.3)
TCP/UDP (RFC 793/768)
RTP/RTCP (RFC 1889/1890)
ICMP (RFC 792)
ARP (RFC 826)
Static IP (WAN)
DHCP Client (RFC 2131)