Linksys WRT51AB manual Table of Contents

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Instant Wireless® Series

Linksys Group vakuuttaa täten että Instant Wireless Dual-Band A+B Broadband Router tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 1999/5/EY, direktiivin 89/336/EEC ja direktiivin 73/23/EEC oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien näiden direktiivien muiden ehto- jen mukainen.

Linksys Group déclare que la Instant Wireless Dual-Band A+B Broadband Router est conforme aux conditions essentielles et aux dispositions relatives à la directive 1999/5/EC, la directive 89/336/EEC, et à la directive 73/23/EEC.

Belgique B L'utilisation en extérieur est autorisé sur le canal 11 (2462 MHz), 12 (2467 MHz), et 13 (2472 MHz). Dans le cas d'une utilisation privée, à l'extérieur d'un bâti- ment, au-dessus d'un espace public, aucun enregistrement n'est nécessaire pour une distance de moins de 300m. Pour une distance supérieure à 300m un enreg- istrement auprès de l'IBPT est requise. Pour une utilisation publique à l'extérieur de bâtiments, une licence de l'IBPT est requise. Pour les enregistrements et licences, veuillez contacter l'IBPT.

France F:

2.4GHz Bande : les canaux 10, 11, 12, 13 (2457, 2462, 2467, et 2472 MHz respec- tivement) sont complétement libres d'utilisation en France (en utilisation intérieur). Pour ce qui est des autres canaux, ils peuvent être soumis à autorisation selon le départment. L'utilisation en extérieur est soumis à autorisation préalable et très restreint.

5 GHz Bande: Conformément aux décisions de la CEPT, l'utilisation des fréquences de la bande 5150 MHz - 5350 MHz est autorisée à l'intérieur des bâtiments avec une puissance maximale de 200 mW, et interdite en extérieur. La bande 5470 MHz - 5725 MHz n'est pas ouverte aujourd'hui.

Vous pouvez contacter l'Autorité de Régulation des Télécommunications ( pour de plus amples renseignements.

2.4GHz Band: only channels 10, 11, 12, 13 (2457, 2462, 2467, and 2472 MHz respectively) may be used freely in France for indoor use. License required for out- door installations.

5 GHz Band: frequencies in the 5150 MHz - 5350 MHz band may be used indoor with maximum power of 200 mW. Their use is forbidden outdoors. The 5470 MHz - 5725 MHz band is not currently open.

Please contact ART ( for procedure to follow.

Deutschland D: Anmeldung im Outdoor-Bereich notwending, aber nicht genehmi- gungspflichtig. Bitte mit Händler die Vorgehensweise abstimmen.

Germany D: License required for outdoor installations. Check with reseller for proce- dure to follow.

Italia I: E' necessaria la concessione ministeriale anche per l'uso interno. Verificare con i rivenditori la procedura da seguire. L'uso per installazione in esterni non e' per- messa.

Italy I: License required for indoor use. Use with outdoor installations not allowed.

The Netherlands NL License required for outdoor installations. Check with reseller for procedure to follow.

Nederlands NL Licentie verplicht voor gebruik met buitenantennes. Neem contact op met verkoper voor juiste procedure.

Dual-Band Wireless A+B Broadband Router

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction


The Dual-Band Wireless A+B Broadband Router




The Router’s Functions


IP Addresses


Router Setup Overview


Chapter 2: Getting to Know the Dual-Band


Wireless A+B Broadband Router


The Router’s Back Panel


The Router’s Front Panel LEDs


Chapter 3: Connect the Router




Wired Connection to a PC


Wireless Connection to a PC


Chapter 4: Configure the PCs




Configuring Windows 98 and Millennium PCs


Configuring Windows 2000 PCs


Configuring Windows XP PCs


Chapter 5: Configure the Router’s Basic Settings


Chapter 6: The Router’s Web-based Utility




How to Access the Web-based Utility














Advanced Tabs


Advanced Wireless




Port Forwarding




DMZ Host


MAC Address Clone


Image 3
Contents Dual-Band Wireless A+B Broadband Router Copyright & Trademarks Table of Contents Common Problems and Solutions Frequently Asked Questions IntroductionEnvironmental 127 What’s an IP Address? FeaturesRouter’s Functions IP AddressesDhcp Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Servers Router Setup OverviewDynamic IP Addresses Getting to Know the Dual-Band Wireless A+B Broadband Router Router’s Back PanelRouter’s Front Panel LEDs LAN Indicators Internet IndicatorsProceed to Connect the Router Wired Connection to a PC Connect the RouterOverview Wireless Connection to a PC Configure the PCsGo to Configure the Router’s Basic Settings Configuring Windows 98 and Millennium PCsConfiguring Windows 2000 PCs Configuring Windows XP PCs Configure the Router’s Basic Settings Enter the Internet IP Address Automatic Configuration DhcpEnter the Default Gateway Static or Fixed IP AddressRouter’s Web-based Utility How to Access the Web-based UtilitySetup Automatic Configuration DhcpStatic IP Pptp 5GHz, 802.11a 5GHz, 802.11a WEP 4GHz, 802.11b WEP Status PasswordLAN Dhcp Help LogAdvanced Tabs 5GHz, 802.11a Advanced Wireless802.1x Configuration Radius Server Filters Private MAC Filter To set up a filter Private IP Filter11-20 , 21-30 , 31-40 , or 41-50 from Port Forwarding Applications External Port TCP Protocol UDP ProtocolClick the Delete This Entry button RoutingDMZ Host MAC Address Clone For Windows NT Appendix a TroubleshootingCommon Problems and Solutions Need to set a static IP address on a PCFor Windows XP Want to test my Internet connectionFor Windows 98, Me, 2000, and XP TCP UDP Need to set up a server behind my RouterCan’t get the Internet game, server, or application to work My DSL service’s PPPoE is always disconnecting To start over, I need to set the Router to factory defaultNeed to upgrade the firmware Firmware upgrade failed, and/or the Diag LED is flashingClick the Advanced = Filters tab Frequently Asked QuestionsHow can I block corrupted FTP downloads? Does the Router support ICQ send file?What is the Ieee 802.11b standard? What is DMZ Hosting?What are the advanced features of the Router? What is the Ieee 802.11a standard?What is roaming? What Ieee 802.11b features are supported?What is ad-hoc mode? What is infrastructure mode?How do I resolve issues with signal loss? What is WEP?What is a MAC Address? How do I reset the Router?Step One Pinging an IP Address Appendix B How to Ping Your ISP’s E-mail & Web AddressesAppendix C Configuring Wireless Security Step Two Pinging for a Web AddressBackground WEP Encryption 802.1x AuthenticationFigure C-2 MD5 Authentication for Windows XPFigure C-5 Figure C-9 Digital Certificate InstallationFigure C-13 Click Install this certificateFigure C-18 TLS Authentication for Windows XPFigure C-21 For Windows 95, 98, and Me Figure C-25For Windows NT, 2000, and XP Figure D-3Appendix E Glossary 111 113 115 117 119 121 123 125 Environmental Appendix F SpecificationsOne 10/100 RJ-45 Port for Cable/DSL Modem Category 5 Ethernet Network Cable or betterWeb site FTP site Appendix G Warranty InformationSales Information Technical Support RMA Issues Fax Appendix H Contact InformationCopyright 2002 Linksys, All Rights Reserved