ADSL Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Advanced Routing
The Advanced Routing screen allows you to configure the dynamic routing and static routing settings.
Advanced Routing
•Dynamic Routing. With Dynamic Routing you can enable the Gateway to automatically adjust to physical changes in the network’s layout. The Gateway, using the RIP protocol, determines the network packets’ route based on the fewest number of hops between the source and the destination. The RIP protocol regularly broadcasts routing information to other Gateways on the network. To enable RIP, click Enabled. To disable RIP, click Disabled.
•Receive RIP Version. To receive RIP messages, select the protocol you want: RIP1 or RIP2. If you don’t want to receive RIP messages, select None.
•Transmit RIP Version. To transmit RIP messages, select the protocol you want: RIP1,
Static Routing
If the Gateway is connected to more than one network, it may be necessary to set up a static route between them. A static route is a
•Select Entry. Select the number of the static route from the
•Destination IP Address. The Destination IP Address is the address of the remote network or host to which you want to assign a static route. Enter the IP address of the host for which you wish to create a static route. If you are building a route to an entire network, be sure that the network portion of the IP address is set to 0.
•Subnet Mask. The Subnet Mask (also known as the Network Mask) determines which portion of an IP address is the network portion, and which portion is the host portion.
•Gateway. This IP address should be the IP address of the gateway device that allows for contact between the Gateway and the remote network or host.
•Hop Count. This determines the maximum number of steps between network nodes that data packets will travel. A node is any router in the path to the remote network.
•Interface. Select LAN or Internet, depending on the location of the static route’s final destination.
Chapter 5: Configuring the ADSL Gateway
Figure 5-11: Setup Tab - Advanced Routing
node: a network junction or connection point, typically a computer or work station
The Setup Tab