Agilent Technologies manual Agilent 35670A

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Agilent 35670A




GPIB Commands:




Quick Reference






This Quick Reference of the GPIB commands recognized




by the Agilent 35670A lists the common commands and




then lists the subsystem commands in alphabetical order.




Figure 1 shows the Agilent 35670A status registers.





Syntax descriptions use the following conventions:












indicates “or”; one and only one of the items can be








< >



indicates the name of items that need further definition






[ ]



indicates the enclosed items are optional

~indicates a valid range of values

Add a “?” to make the query form of a command; commands listed with a “?” are query only; commands listed with a “-?” cannot be queried.

A “:” indicates branching points on the command tree.

Use “;” to send multiple commands within a single program message. The command parser assumes the second command comes from the same branch as the preceeding command.

Use “;:” to reset the command parser to the base of the command tree when sending multiple commands within a single program message.

The input defaults to channel 1 and the trace defaults to trace A if the optional [1234] parameter is not specified.

To view the GPIB command which corresponds to a front panel operation, press [ Local/GPIB ]

[ GPIB ECHO ON OFF ] to highlight ON.

For more information on a particular command

refer to GPIB Programming with the Agilent 35670A.


Image 1
Contents Agilent 35670A Parameter Definitions HP 35670A Status Register Summary ABORt Common CommandsCALCulate1234 Page Page DISPlay CALibrationHCOPy FORMatINPut1234 INITiateINSTrument MEMoryMMEMory PROGram OUTPutSENSe Page STATus SOURceSYSTem TRIGger TRACe