7. Communication Rules
.When sending a command from CONTROLLER, the return data (CMD1 = 10 hex or CMD1 = each category value, CMD2 = 03 hex) from PROJECTOR should be received first before sending the next command. Even if the next command is sent before receiving the return data, since PROJECTOR will not be able to receive that command, it does not return a response to CONTROLLER. Consequently, no error code is also sent.
The following lists the approximate waiting times for PROJECTOR to return the return data after CONTROLLER sends the command.
.When a communication error occurs, PROJECTOR ignores the data received until now, and set into the reception standby state.
.For undefined commands or commends determined as invalid by PROJECTOR, PROJECTOR will send the “NAK” return data to CONTROLLER .
.Take note that when data is written when the input signal of PROJECTOR is unstable, that data (value)
will not be incorporated.
.When INDEX specified SIRCS direct command (CMD1 = 17 hex) is transmitted, leave an interval of 45 mSec until the next transmission. (Do not return the return data (ACK, NAK) when the SIRCS direct command is received.)
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