Good references for active frequencies are the RadioShack Po- lice Call Guide including Fire and Emergency Services, Official Aeronautical Frequency Directory, and Maritime Frequency Di- rectory. We update these directories every year, so be sure to get a current copy.
Follow these steps to store frequencies into channels.
1.Press MAN, enter the channel number
2.Use the number keys and • to enter the frequency (including the decimal point) you want to store.
3.Press ENT to store the frequency into the channel.
•If you made a mistake in Step 2, Error appears and the scanner beeps when you press ENT. Simply start again from Step 2.
•Your scanner automatically rounds the entered frequency down to the closest valid frequency. For example, if you enter a frequency of 151.473, your scanner accepts it as 151.470.
•If you entered a frequency that is already stored in another channel, the scanner beeps three times and dis- plays the lowest channel number where the frequency is already stored, and