BIOS Overview
Checkpoint | POST Routine Description | |
Code | ||
| ||
| |
59 | Hit <DEL> message cleared. <WAIT...> message displayed. About to start DMA and interrupt controller test. | |
| |
60 | DMA page register test passed. To do DMA#1 base register test. | |
| |
62 | DMA#1 base register test passed. To do DMA#2 base register test. | |
| |
65 | DMA#2 base register test passed. To program DMA unit 1 and 2. | |
| |
66 | DMA unit 1 and 2 programming over. To initialize 8259 interrupt controller. | |
| |
7F | Extended NMI sources enabling is in progress. | |
| |
80 | Keyboard test started. clearing output buffer, checking for stuck key, to issue keyboard reset command. | |
| |
81 | Keyboard reset error/stuck key found. To issue keyboard controller interface test command. | |
| |
82 | Keyboard controller interface test over. To write command byte and init circular buffer. | |
| |
83 | Command byte written, Global data init done. To check for | |
| |
84 | ||
| |
85 | Memory size check done. To display soft error and check for password or bypass setup. | |
| |
86 | Password checked. About to do programming before setup. | |
| |
87 | Programming before setup complete. To uncompress SETUP code and execute CMOS setup. | |
| |
88 | Returned from CMOS setup program and screen is cleared. About to do programming after setup. | |
| |
89 | Programming after setup complete. Going to display power on screen message. | |
| |
8B | First screen message displayed. <WAIT...> message displayed. PS/2 Mouse check and extended BIOS data area | |
| allocation to be done. | |
| |
8C | Setup options programming after CMOS setup about to start. | |
| |
8D | Going for hard disk controller reset. | |
| |
8F | Hard disk controller reset done. Floppy setup to be done next. | |
| |
91 | Floppy setup complete. Hard disk setup to be done next. | |
| |
95 | Init of different BUSes optional ROMs from C800 to start. | |
| |
96 | Going to do any init before C800 optional ROM control. | |
| |
97 | Any init before C800 optional ROM control is over. Optional ROM check and control will be done next. | |
| |
98 | Optional ROM control is done. About to give control to do any required processing after optional ROM returns control | |
| and enable external cache. | |
| |
99 | Any initialization required after optional ROM test over. Going to setup timer data area and printer base address. | |
| |
9A | Return after setting timer and printer base address. Going to set the | |
| |
9B | Returned after | |
| |
9C | Required initialization before Coprocessor is over. Going to initialize the Coprocessor next. | |
| |
9D | Coprocessor initialized. Going to do any initialization after Coprocessor test. | |
| |
9E | Initialization after Coprocessor test is complete. Going to check extd keyboard, keyboard ID and | |
| |
A2 | Going to display any soft errors. | |
| |
A3 | Soft error display complete. Going to set keyboard typematic rate. | |
| |
A4 | Keyboard typematic rate set. To program memory wait states. | |
| |
A5 | Going to enable parity/NMI. | |
| |
A7 | NMI and parity enabled. Going to do any initialization required before giving control to optional ROM at E000. | |
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A8 | Initialization before E000 ROM control over. E000 ROM to get control next. | |
| |
A9 | Returned from E000 ROM control. Going to do any initialization required after E000 optional ROM control. | |
50 Evo D310 Micro Desktop