Compaq AP230 warranty Standard Features Custom Configuration Models, Maximum Memory, Ha rd Dri ve

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Compaq Deskpro Workstation AP230

Standard Features – Custom Configuration Models

De skp ro Wor ks ta tion AP 230 - Fl ex ibl e So lutions Con figu red to Orde r

Order the Compaq Deskpro Workstation the way the customer wants it by selecting the processor, hard drive, memory, graphics controller, and more. Purchase directly from Compaq or a Compaq Authorized Agent. Configurable components and Options change frequently. Check the Compaq Product Bulletin or for the latest options available from Compaq. Note: This Web site is available in English only.

Chip se t – Intel 8 15 E

Proc es sor and Sp eed

Intel Pentium III Processors

Standard L2 Cache

256-KB Integrated ECC

One of the following


Front Side Bus

133 MHz


1 GHz

Maximum Memory



933 MHz






Ha rd Dri ve

18.2-GB 10,000 rpm Ultra160 SCSI with PCI Ultra160 Controller


One of the following

18.2-GB 15,000 rpm Ultra160 SCSI with PCI Ultra160 Controller



20-GB 7200 rpm SMART III Ultra ATA/100 with Drive Protection System



20-GB 7200 rpm SMART III Ultra ATA/100 with Drive Protection System (Quite Seek and Idle HDD (EMEA ONLY)


40-GB 7200 rpm SMART III Ultra ATA/100 with Drive Protection System





Memor y

128-MB SDRAM (PC133) (utilizes one DIMM slot)


One of the following

256-MB SDRAM (PC133) (utilizes one DIMM slot)



384-MB SDRAM (PC133) (utilizes two DIMM slots)



512-MB SDRAM (PC 133) (utilizes two DIMM slots)






Remo vab le S torag e

1.44-MB Diskette Drive







Opti ca l Sto rag e

48X CD-ROM Drive




16X DVD-ROM Drive




8X/4X/32X CD-RW Drive







Ke yboard /Mou se

Easy Access Keyboard







Integrated Intel Audio with Premium Internal Speaker





Ne twor k Con trol le r

Integrated Intel PRO/100 VM Network Connection



V.90 56K PCI Modem







Graphi cs

Matrox G450 Dual Head 32-MB AGP



One of the following:

ELSA Synergy II 32-MB AGP















Expan sion Slo ts






1/ up to 1 depending on model




5/ up to 4 depending on model






Expan sion Capab ili ty

Memory Expansion Slots (DIMMS)




Memory Type




Maximum Memory







Expan sion Bays













North America — Version 6 — October 1, 2001


Image 7
Contents Overview QuickSpecsStandard Features Pre Configured Models Sav er ’ Power Con servation ‘EnergyBoot Suppor t Chip se t Intel 8 15 E Int er fa ce sFaul t Noti fi ca tion Chip se t Intel 8 15 E Standard S ecur ity F eatur esSoftw are Updating Man agem entChip se t Intel 8 15 E Softw are Power Suppl y Convertible MinitowerSer vi ce and Support Optical Drive D23/1.0/20A/256/2+C ProcessorCache Memory MemoryMaximum Memory Standard Features Custom Configuration ModelsHa rd Dri ve Chip se t Intel 8 15 E Operating System Power Con servation ″ Energ ySav er ″ Softw are Updating and Man agem ent Chip se t Intel 8 15 E As se t Con tro lFaul t Noti fi ca tion and Re cov er y Chip se t Intel 8 15 E Other F eatur es Power Suppl yTape Drives After-Market OptionsMemory DIMMs MonitorsMultimedia Optical DrivesHard Drives Controllers/Cables/AdaptersMemory Slot Memory815E chipset 256 MB Quantity Position Controller Supported StorageTechnical Specifications Mechanical Compaq Easy Access Keyboard Dimensions HxWxDWeight ElectricalRegulatory Approvals Compaq 3-Button Mouse Dimensions/WeightDrive Supported MB Diskette Drive Diskette Size LED Indicators front panelAccess Times Read/Write Capacity perHeight Physical ConfigurationOperating Temperature Ultra 160 Scsi Hard Drives 18.2 GB 10K CapacitySolution support Compaq Products Access Time msAccess Seek Time Cache Buffer DimensionsMax Atapi Interface 16X DVD-ROM Drive BusData Transfer Rate Cache Buffer StandardEnvironmentals OS Support 16X DVD-ROM Drive Dimensions HxWxDKit Contents Agency ApprovalsMedia formats written 8X CD-RW Drive InterfaceMedia formats read CD-RW High-SpeedOPL3 FM Synthesis Internal Audio Power Amp RatingPlug and Play Stereo CodecExpansion Bus Architecture Integrated Intel PRO/100 VM Network Connection ConnectorsBoot Prom support F12 Bios SupportData Path Bus TypeStandard Memory DAC SpeedSupported Modes Matrox Millennium G450 3D FeaturesFeatures DualHead DisplayMemory Type Elsa Synergy II Graphics Controller Dimensions HxW3D/2D Controller VGA ControllerTotal bits/pixel Nvidia Quadro2 MXR Graphics Controller Dimensions LxHxWOverlay Planes Alpha PlanesCompaq PCs use genuine Microsoft Windows