The QuickRestore CD can reinstall the software to the state it was in when you purchased the computer.
You also have the option of restoring your computer to the way it was when you performed the last User Backup.
User Backup creates USER.PQI files. These files are
Did you know ...
Everything added to the drive since the last User Backup will be lost after you perform a User Restore.
Using the QuickRestore CD
Restarting your computer with the QuickRestore CD in the drive displays the following menu:
➜The Emergency Diskette option creates an emergency diskette, which stores the software option information that came with your computer. This diskette is necessary if you ever need to restore your computer to the condition it was in when you first unpacked it.
➜The User Backup option creates a backup of the current Windows configuration and saves it on a separate partition on your hard drive. The backup is stored in USER. PQI files.
➜The User Restore option extracts the data in the USER.PQI files from the D drive and restores the desktop to the settings that existed at the time of your last User Backup.
➜The Factory Restore option restores the computer to its original factory condition. You may need to
➜The Exit option exits the QuickRestore CD.