Analog Audio Specifications
åSample rate: 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, or 96 kHz
åJack type: 1/8Ó mini
åBits per sample:
åFrequency response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz, +0.5
Analog audio out using the headphone jack (typical values)
Based on a typical situation with playback of 1 kHz,
åOutput voltage: 1.4 volts (root mean square) (Vrms) (+5.1 dBµ)
åOutput impedance: 24 ohms
åOutput power: 90 milliwatts (mW)
åTotal harmonic distortion + noise: Less than
åChannel separation: Greater than 50 dB
Analog audio line in (typical values)
Based on a typical situation with playback of 1 kHz,
åMaximum input voltage: 2 Vrms (+8.2 dBµ)
åInput impedance: Greater than 20 kilohms
åTotal harmonic distortion + noise: Less than
åChannel separation: Greater than 80 dB
74 Appendix A Specifications