EAW DSA250 & DSA230 owner manual Signal End / Power End

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Figure 5.5.2 Signal End / Power End

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P h y s i c a l I n s t a l l a t i o n

This section details the physical requirements and methods for installing the loudspeaker. Specific mounting procedures detailed herein may require some variation depending on the particular situation. However, the basic methodology is the same in all cases.

Basic installation tasks include:

Installing the Enclosure and Wall Brackets

Mounting the loudspeaker

5 . 5 . 1 I N S TA L L AT I O N WA R N I N G S

DANGER: DSA Series loudspeakers must be securely mounted to struc- ture capable of supporting their weight. The user is responsible for providing properly engineered attachment of the supplied Wall Brackets to structure, using hardware rated for the load. Failure to follow this warning may result in failure of the mounting causing the loud- speaker to fall down, with possible equipment damage, injury, or death.

DANGER: Only persons with the knowledge of proper hardware and installation techniques required should attempt to install DSA Series loudspeaker systems overhead. Failure to follow this pre- caution may result in damage to the equipment, injury, or death.

CAUTION: The actual coverage provided by a DSA Series loudspeaker will be largely determined by the DSAPilot adjusting its signal processing settings. However, the loudspeaker must still be positioned in a loca- tion that is within the possible adjustment range for the desired coverage.

CAUTION: It is physically possible to mount a DSA Series loudspeaker either end up. Because of the transducer-specific signal processing, it will NOT provide the desired performance if installed upside down in its intended application.

CAUTION: For DSA Clusters with two or more loudspeakers mounted one over the other, it is recommended to make all cable connections before lifting each loudspeaker onto the wall brackets. See Sections 5.2 through 5.6. Once the loudspeakers are mounted, access to the connectors may be difficult.

5 . 5 . 2 P H Y S I C A L O R I E N TAT I O N – S I G N A L E N D / P O W E R E N D

The directionality of the DSA Series loudspeakers partly depends on using specific signal delays to each transducer to control its sound arrival to the listeners. As such, the DSAPilot makes assumptions about the physical location of each transducer in the enclosure. This means there is a correct “top” and “bottom” to each enclosure that is specific to each application.

The two ends of DSA loudspeakers are referred to as the Signal End and Power End. In addition to this physical difference, there is a built-in LED indicator on the front of the Signal End of each loudspeaker. The orien- tations are shown in the DSAPilot graphics. When activated by the DSAPilot software, this LED can be used to verify both the correct up-down orientation and, when multiple loudspeakers are used, the correct location of each. For the DSA250, the Power End is the end with the HF subsystem and Signal End is the end with the LF subsystem.


Image 22
Contents Page Introduction Safety Acoustical Installation OperationIntroduction Safety ChapterE N E R a L P R E C a U T I O N S H i p p i n g D a m a g e Chapter UnpackingE t u r n i n g P r o d u c t s t o E AW Co m p u t e r Co n t r o l Co n n e c t i o n E s c r i p t i o nU d i o S i g n a l Co n n e c t i o n T w e e n L o u d s p e a k e r sAC M a i n s Installation Hy s i c a l InstallationG n a l P r o c e s s i n g 2X 3/8-16 X 2 LGA S E R I E S M O D E L S Y s t e m O ve r v i e wO U S T I C a L B E N E F I T S A t u r e s E C T R I C a L B E N E F I T SP p l i c a t i o n s H Y S I C a LN g i n e e r i n g D e s i g n 4a Angled Radiation PatternO w Fr e q u e n c y Pe r f o r m a n c e S a P i l o tCo m p a r i s o n t o Tr a d i t i o n a l P r o d u c t s Installation E s i g n i n g D S a S y s t e m sU D I O S I G N a L C O N N E C T I O N O M P U T E R C O N T R O L C O N N E C T I O NEIA Daisy Chaining Computer and Audio Signals BET Ween ClustersCo b r a N e t N e t w o r k Co n n e c t i o n s OFFLO U D S P E a K E R I N T E R FA C E A B L I N GU D I O / C O M P U T E R I N T E R FA C E Multiple LoudspeakersC M a i n s P o w e r C o n n e c t i o n O W E R O N / O F FEIA OFF R o u n d i n gLIF 2 Signal End / Power End 3 DSA Cluster Configurations N S TA L L AT I O N O P T I O N S N G L I N G E N C LO S U R E SO U N T I N G H E I G H T WA L L B R a C K E T I N S TA L L AT I O N7a Wall Bracket Spacing N C LO S U R E B R a C K E T I N S TA L L AT I O N N C LO S U R E I N S TA L L AT I O N9b Retainer Bolt Installation N i t i a l S e t U p Identification LEDO W E R M a N a G E M E N T OperationE D I N D I C AT O R I G N a L M O N I T O R I N G O W E R I N G U P O r m a l O p e r a t i o nI G N a L P R O C E S S I N G S E T T I N G S P e r a t i o n a l ‘ D O S ’ a n d ‘ D O N T S ’ A r r a n t y A p t e r 7 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d S e r v i c eO w t o C o n t a c t E AW E R I O D I C P H Y S I C a L I N S P E C T I O N S A p t e r 8 a p p e n d i c e sN s p e c t i o n s a n d M a i n t e n a n c e E R F O R M a N C E T E S T I N GTroubleshooting DSA250 OnlyEIA-485 I a 4 8 5 N e t w o r k A B L I N G N O T E SU p p o r t F o r C o b r a N e t E R M I N AT I O N N O T E SBack Right Side Back Front 15.8 mm 101.5 mm 70.0 mm WA L L B R a C K E T107.3 mm 4X Ø 0.38 65 mmPage R t N o . R D 0 0 8 6 B 2 7 a U G 0

DSA250 & DSA230 specifications

The EAW DSA250 and DSA230 are state-of-the-art powered loudspeakers designed for professional audio applications, offering high performance in a variety of environments. Both models deliver exceptional sound quality, ensuring clear audio reproduction for live events, installations, and portable use.

The EAW DSA250 features a robust bi-amplified design with a powerful 2500 watts of peak power output. This loudspeaker is equipped with a custom-designed 15-inch woofer, delivering deep and impactful low frequencies. Additionally, it boasts a 1.4-inch titanium compression driver that provides smooth mids and crisp highs, ensuring a well-balanced sound profile across the frequency spectrum.

On the other hand, the EAW DSA230 is engineered for similar high-performance needs but comes with a slightly more compact design. The DSA230 incorporates a 12-inch woofer, which still produces rich low-end sound, making it ideal for smaller venues or for use as a stage monitor. It features a 1-inch compression driver, which provides excellent vocal clarity and intelligibility.

Both models are equipped with advanced digital signal processing (DSP), allowing for optimized performance through precise loudspeaker modeling. The DSP offers various preset configurations tailored to different acoustic environments, allowing users to select the ideal settings for their specific applications. Additionally, the built-in EQ settings facilitate precise sound tuning, enabling users to adapt to various challenges presented by live sound environments.

One standout feature of the DSA series is the integration of the EAW FOCUS technology, which ensures consistent coverage and dynamic response across wide areas. This innovative technology also helps to minimize feedback and interference, making it a reliable choice for both performers and audio engineers.

The construction of both models is rugged, designed to withstand the rigors of touring while maintaining a professional appearance. They come with a sleek and practical enclosure design, featuring convenient mounting options for versatile deployment.

In summary, the EAW DSA250 and DSA230 loudspeakers are exemplary examples of advanced audio engineering, combining powerful amplification, precise DSP management, and robust build quality. With their exceptional sound reproduction, these models are ideal for professionals seeking reliable and high-performance audio solutions in diverse applications.