EAW DSA250 & DSA230 owner manual E s i g n i n g D S a S y s t e m s, Installation

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additional benefits in reduced installation costs and operation. The flexibility of the DSAPilot to automatically optimize the acoustical performance for multiple DSA Series loudspeakers in a single larger space further enhances their advantage over traditional solutions.

4 . 8 D e s i g n i n g D S A S y s t e m s

DSA loudspeakers can be used individually, in multiples, or in various cluster configurations to satisfy a wide range of design requirements. By using different configurations, DSA performance can be varied according to the type of audio program, the frequency range for the vertical control desired, the maximum output levels, the audience location relative to the loudspeaker, and for meeting the requirements for special applications.

Chapter 5


This chapter details the requirements for installing the loudspeaker. Specific details may require some variation depending on the particular situation. However, the basic requirements are the same in all cases.

Loudspeaker refers to either a DSA230 or DSA250.

Cluster refers to any of the permissible arrangements of single or multiple DSA230s or DSA250s as defined in DSAPilot. Whether they consist of a single or multiple loudspeakers, all DSA clusters function as a single loudspeaker.









5 . 1

E l e c t r i c a l I n s t a l l a t i o n















This section details the electrical requirements for installing













DAISY-CHAINthe loudspeaker. Specific cabling details may require some


















variation depending on the particular situation. However, the






TO EIA-485


















basic requirements are the same in all cases.




















Basic electrical installation tasks include:














Audio signal connection





Computer control connection

















AC mains connection


(115V OR 230V)







Figure 5.1

Electrical Block Diagram

5 . 1 . 1










The configuration and orientation of the loudspeakers will determine where signal, computer, and AC mains cabling must be connected to

CABLE CHANNELSthe loudspeakers. For certain cluster configurations it may be necessary to route cabling from one end of a loudspeaker to another.

The main cable routing method is to use the channels in the heat sink extrusion that forms the rear of the DSA250 and DSA230 enclosures. These channels are intended to be used to route and conceal cabling the length of the enclosure as required. In this way, single wall outlet locations for audio, computer, and AC mains can easily service a single loudspeaker or loudspeaker cluster.


To facilitate cable routing, clusters have been arranged, where possible,


so the Power Ends of the enclosures are adjacent. This minimizes the

Figure 5.1.1 Cable Channels

routing of AC mains cables, which are heavier and more difficult to

thread into the extrusion than signal cables.



Image 16
Contents Page Introduction Safety Acoustical Installation OperationIntroduction Safety ChapterE N E R a L P R E C a U T I O N S H i p p i n g D a m a g e Chapter UnpackingE t u r n i n g P r o d u c t s t o E AW E s c r i p t i o n U d i o S i g n a l Co n n e c t i o nCo m p u t e r Co n t r o l Co n n e c t i o n T w e e n L o u d s p e a k e r sAC M a i n s Installation Hy s i c a l InstallationG n a l P r o c e s s i n g 2X 3/8-16 X 2 LGA S E R I E S M O D E L S Y s t e m O ve r v i e wO U S T I C a L B E N E F I T S A t u r e s E C T R I C a L B E N E F I T SP p l i c a t i o n s H Y S I C a LN g i n e e r i n g D e s i g n 4a Angled Radiation PatternO w Fr e q u e n c y Pe r f o r m a n c e S a P i l o tCo m p a r i s o n t o Tr a d i t i o n a l P r o d u c t s Installation E s i g n i n g D S a S y s t e m sU D I O S I G N a L C O N N E C T I O N O M P U T E R C O N T R O L C O N N E C T I O NDaisy Chaining Computer and Audio Signals BET Ween Clusters Co b r a N e t N e t w o r k Co n n e c t i o n sEIA OFFA B L I N G U D I O / C O M P U T E R I N T E R FA C ELO U D S P E a K E R I N T E R FA C E Multiple LoudspeakersC M a i n s P o w e r C o n n e c t i o n O W E R O N / O F FEIA OFF R o u n d i n gLIF 2 Signal End / Power End 3 DSA Cluster Configurations N S TA L L AT I O N O P T I O N S N G L I N G E N C LO S U R E SO U N T I N G H E I G H T WA L L B R a C K E T I N S TA L L AT I O N7a Wall Bracket Spacing N C LO S U R E B R a C K E T I N S TA L L AT I O N N C LO S U R E I N S TA L L AT I O N9b Retainer Bolt Installation N i t i a l S e t U p Identification LEDO W E R M a N a G E M E N T OperationE D I N D I C AT O R I G N a L M O N I T O R I N G O W E R I N G U P O r m a l O p e r a t i o nI G N a L P R O C E S S I N G S E T T I N G S P e r a t i o n a l ‘ D O S ’ a n d ‘ D O N T S ’ A r r a n t y A p t e r 7 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d S e r v i c eO w t o C o n t a c t E AW A p t e r 8 a p p e n d i c e s N s p e c t i o n s a n d M a i n t e n a n c eE R I O D I C P H Y S I C a L I N S P E C T I O N S E R F O R M a N C E T E S T I N GTroubleshooting DSA250 OnlyEIA-485 I a 4 8 5 N e t w o r k A B L I N G N O T E SU p p o r t F o r C o b r a N e t E R M I N AT I O N N O T E SBack Right Side Back Front WA L L B R a C K E T 107.3 mm15.8 mm 101.5 mm 70.0 mm 4X Ø 0.38 65 mmPage R t N o . R D 0 0 8 6 B 2 7 a U G 0

DSA250 & DSA230 specifications

The EAW DSA250 and DSA230 are state-of-the-art powered loudspeakers designed for professional audio applications, offering high performance in a variety of environments. Both models deliver exceptional sound quality, ensuring clear audio reproduction for live events, installations, and portable use.

The EAW DSA250 features a robust bi-amplified design with a powerful 2500 watts of peak power output. This loudspeaker is equipped with a custom-designed 15-inch woofer, delivering deep and impactful low frequencies. Additionally, it boasts a 1.4-inch titanium compression driver that provides smooth mids and crisp highs, ensuring a well-balanced sound profile across the frequency spectrum.

On the other hand, the EAW DSA230 is engineered for similar high-performance needs but comes with a slightly more compact design. The DSA230 incorporates a 12-inch woofer, which still produces rich low-end sound, making it ideal for smaller venues or for use as a stage monitor. It features a 1-inch compression driver, which provides excellent vocal clarity and intelligibility.

Both models are equipped with advanced digital signal processing (DSP), allowing for optimized performance through precise loudspeaker modeling. The DSP offers various preset configurations tailored to different acoustic environments, allowing users to select the ideal settings for their specific applications. Additionally, the built-in EQ settings facilitate precise sound tuning, enabling users to adapt to various challenges presented by live sound environments.

One standout feature of the DSA series is the integration of the EAW FOCUS technology, which ensures consistent coverage and dynamic response across wide areas. This innovative technology also helps to minimize feedback and interference, making it a reliable choice for both performers and audio engineers.

The construction of both models is rugged, designed to withstand the rigors of touring while maintaining a professional appearance. They come with a sleek and practical enclosure design, featuring convenient mounting options for versatile deployment.

In summary, the EAW DSA250 and DSA230 loudspeakers are exemplary examples of advanced audio engineering, combining powerful amplification, precise DSP management, and robust build quality. With their exceptional sound reproduction, these models are ideal for professionals seeking reliable and high-performance audio solutions in diverse applications.