Apple I Book G4 manual Laser Information, Exposure to Radio Frequency Energy, `a\‚, Apple 56K e5eF

Page 98

Laser Information

Making adjustments or performing procedures other than those specified in your equipment’s manual may result in hazardous radiation exposure.

Do not attempt to disassemble the cabinet containing the laser. The laser beam used in this product is harmful to the eyes. The use of optical instruments, such as magnifying lenses, with this product increases the potential hazard to your eyes. For your safety, have this equipment serviced only by an Apple-authorized service provider.

If you have an internal Apple CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, or DVD-RAM drive in your computer, your computer is a Class 1 laser product. The Class 1 label, located in a user-accessible area, indicates that the drive meets minimum safety requirements. A service warning label is located in a service-accessible area. The labels on your product may differ slightly from the ones shown here.

Class 1 label


Service warning label

Laser Specifications for Combo Drive

Laser on pickup unit when reading a DVD:

Type: Semiconductor laser GaAs/In(GaAI)P/InGaP

Wavelength: 655 ± 15 nm

Power out of objective lens: 0.33 mW

Beam divergence: 20º ~ 35º (Typical 27º)

Laser on pickup unit when reading a CD:

Type: Semiconductor laser AIGaAs/GaAs

Wavelength: 784 ± 8 nm

Power out of objective lens: Read = 1.0 mW, Write = 80.0 mW

Beam divergence: 14.5º ~ 17.5º (Typical 16º)

Laser Specifications for CD

Laser on pickup unit when reading a CD:

Type: Semiconductor laser AIGaAs

Wavelength: 78 ~ 800 nm (Typical 790 nm)

Power out of objective lens: Read = .11 mW,

Beam divergence: 14º ~ 20º (Typical 17º)


Exposure to Radio Frequency Energy

The radiated output power of the optional AirPort Extreme Card is far below the FCC radio frequency exposure limits. Nevertheless, it is advised to use the wireless equipment in such a manner that the potential for human contact during normal operation is minimized.

Mouse and Keyboard Information

The Apple optical mouse is a Class 1 LED product. This product complies with the requirements of European Directives 72/23/EEC and 89/336/EEC.

It also complies with the Canadian ICES-003 Class B Specification.


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ENERGY STAR® Compliance

As an ENERGY STAR® partner, Apple has determined that standard configurations of this product meet the ENERGY STAR® guidelines for energy efficiency. The ENERGY STAR® program is a partnership with office product equipment manufacturers to promote energy-efficiency. Reducing energy consumption of office products saves money and reduces pollution by eliminating wasted energy.

￿-bc !


Nederlands: Gebruikte batterijen kunnen worden ingeleverd bij de chemokar of in een speciale batterijcontainer voor klein chemisch afval (kca) worden gedeponeerd.

￿•￿ Apple 56K e5￿eF !


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