Take Apart | 210/230/250/280 Dsply Cable - 82 | |
| Caution: The PowerBook |
| Duo contains CSMOS devices | |
| that are very susceptible to | |
| ESD damage. To prevent | |
| damage, wear a grounding | |
| wriststrap. Review the ESD | |
| precautions in Bulletins/ | |
| Safety. |
Take Apart | 210/230/250/280 Dsply Cable - 82 | |
| Caution: The PowerBook |
| Duo contains CSMOS devices | |
| that are very susceptible to | |
| ESD damage. To prevent | |
| damage, wear a grounding | |
| wriststrap. Review the ESD | |
| precautions in Bulletins/ | |
| Safety. |