Internal Function Controls
Overall Gain
The overall gain of the Model 112 Stereo Power Amplifier can be adjusted between 26 dB and 32 dB. The setting from the factory is 26 dB, which is adequate for the majority of applications, though in a small number of situations involving low efficiency systems the higher gain setting may be necessary. There is no sonic difference between the two settings.
Because of the potentially dangerous voltages inside of the chassis, it is recommended that you contact your dealer for information regarding the overall gain setting adjustments. Note: Do not attempt to disassemble the chassis of the amplifier and adjust the gain without explicit instructions from your dealer or Jeff Rowland Design Group.
DC Protection System
The Model 112 Stereo Power Amplifier can produce high power levels that, without
Do not alter the settings of the DC protection circuit, as this will disable the ability of the amplifier to protect your loudspeakers! These settings are for production and testing purposes only. Because of the potentially dangerous voltages inside the chassis, do not attempt to disassemble the amplifier.