Instant PowerLineTM Series
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction | 1 |
The Linksys PowerLine USB Adapter | 1 |
Features | 1 |
Chapter 2: Getting to Know the PowerLine |
USB Adapter | 2 |
The USB Adapter’s Ports | 2 |
The USB Adapter’s Front Panel LEDs | 3 |
Chapter 3: Planning Your PowerLine Network | 4 |
Chapter 4: Using the Setup | 5 |
Overview | 5 |
Running the Installation Wizard | 5 |
Chapter 5: Connecting the PowerLine |
USB Adapter | 11 |
Chapter 6: Installing the Driver for the PowerLine |
USB Adapter | 12 |
Overview | 12 |
Windows 98SE | 12 |
Windows Millennium | 13 |
Windows 2000 | 13 |
Windows XP | 14 |
PowerLine USB Adapter
Chapter 7: Using the PowerLine |
Configuration Utility | 16 |
Overview | 16 |
Accessing the PowerLine Configuration Utility | 16 |
Device | 17 |
Network | 18 |
Security | 19 |
About | 20 |
Appendix A: Troubleshooting | 21 |
Common Problems and Solutions | 21 |
Frequently Asked Questions | 21 |
Appendix B: Glossary | 22 |
Appendix C: IP Addressing | 28 |
What’s an IP Address? | 28 |
Static IP Addresses | 28 |
Dynamic IP Addresses | 28 |
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) | 28 |
Appendix D: Specifications | 29 |
Environmental | 30 |
Appendix E: Warranty Information | 31 |
Appendix F: Contact Information | 32 |