Wireless-G PCI Adapter with RangeBooster
The Profiles screen lets you save different configuration profiles for different network setups. The table on the left displays a list of available profiles with their profile names and SSIDs.
Profile - The name of the profile is displayed here.
SSID - The SSID or unique name of the wireless network is displayed here.
Profile Information
For each profile selected, the following are listed:
Wireless Mode - This is the mode of the wireless network currently in use.
Transfer Rate - The data transfer rate of the current connection is shown here.
Channel - This is the channel to which the wireless network devices are set.
Security - The status of the wireless security feature is displayed here.
Authentication - The authentication setting for the network is shown here.
Connect - To connect to a wireless network using a specific profile, select the profile, and click Connect.
New - Click the New button to create a new profile. See the next section, “Creating a New Profile,” for detailed instructions.
Edit - Select the profile you want to change, and then click the Edit button.
Import - Click the Import button to import a profile that has been saved in another location. Select the appropriate file, and click the Open button.
Export - Select the profile you want to save in a different location, and click the Export button. Direct Windows to the appropriate folder, and click the Save button.
Delete - Select the profile you want to delete, and then click the Delete button.
NOTE: If you want to export more than one profile, you have to export them one at a time.
Chapter 4: Using the Wireless Network Monitor
Figure 4-9: Profiles
Figure 4-10: Import a Profile
Figure 4-11: Export a Profile