Instant WirelessTM Series
5.If you click on the Advanced button, the Advanced page will appear. Under the WEP
Wireless PC Card
Important: This hexadecimal number must match the Key on all other devices on the wireless network, or this device will be unable to transmit or receive data.
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is an encryption scheme used to protect wireless data communication. The Disabled setting prevents the sharing of data with other computers on the WEP network. There are two ways to cre- ate WEP Encryption keys. Type the WEP Encryption keys in the available fields manually. When manually typing the keys, you must use Hexadecimal characters, which are the letters “A” through “F” and the numbers “0” through “9”. To find out the WEP encryption set by other wireless products in your network, such as the WAP54A, go to the setup tab from the web browser to check the WEP encryption tab for the correct key entries. If you are using other access points, please check their user guides for more information on WEP encryption configuration.
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