Wireless-G Notebook Adapter with RangeBooster
If the network has PSK2 wireless security enabled, then you will see the PSK2 Needed for Connection screen. Enter the network’s Passphrase or
The Profiles screen lets you save different configuration profiles for different network setups. The table on the left displays a list of available profiles with their profile names and SSIDs.
Profile - The name of the profile is displayed here.
SSID - The SSID or unique name of the wireless network is displayed here.
Profile Information
For each profile selected, the following are listed:
Wireless Mode - This is the mode of the wireless network currently in use.
Transfer Rate - The data transfer rate of the current connection is shown here.
Channel - This is the channel to which the wireless network devices are set.
Security - The status of the wireless security feature is displayed here.
Authentication - The authentication setting for the network is shown here.
Connect - To connect to a wireless network using a specific profile, select the profile, and click Connect.
New - Click the New button to create a new profile. See the next section, “Creating a New Profile,” for detailed instructions.
Edit - Select the profile you want to change, and then click the Edit button.
Import - Click the Import button to import a profile that has been saved in another location. Select the appropriate file, and click the Open button.
Export - Select the profile you want to save in a different location, and click the Export button. Direct Windows to the appropriate folder, and click the Save button.
NOTE: If you want to export more than one profile, you have to export them one at a time.
Chapter 5: Using the Wireless Network Monitor
Figure 5-9: Profiles
Figure 5-10: Import a Profile
Figure 5-11: Export a Profile