“Set alarm” | “Time” or “for” & time, |
| such as “10:45 a.m.” |
| or “20 minutes from |
| now,” “Label” & name |
| of alarm |
“Set alarm for 7:45 p.m., label, switch the laundry”
“Listen to” | Play music in the | “Listen to: Smells Like |
| Google Play Music app | Teen Spirit” |
| by speaking the name |
| of a song, artist, or |
| album. |
Google Now Card list
Cards are displayed when you’re most likely to need them. Most are based on information available to your Google account, such as your current location, recent searches, or calendar entries.
Gmail cards display information based on recent confirmation messages in the Gmail account you’ve selected for use with Goo- gle Now. For more details, see “About Gmail Cards”.
Travel cards appear when you’re away from home.
The samples that follow show some typical Google Now cards. New cards are added all the time. For a complete list of cards available with the most recent Google Now release, go to Google Now card list.
Nexus 7 (2013) Guidebook | Google Now & Search | 54 |