Step 2: Copy current data to another hard disk or partition
Save all the data files that you want to reuse with Mac OS X Server version 10.3. You can keep them on the same computer, but make sure you place them on a disk or partition that won’t be overwritten when you do the clean 10.3 installation.
Web Configuration Data
Save the directory /etc/httpd/ and all its contents. Also save the file /etc/webperfcache/ webperfcache.conf.
Web Content
Copy web content you want to reuse from:
•Any other location in which it resides
MySQL Data
Mac OS X Server version 10.1 preinstalled MySQL version 3.23. Version 10.3 preinstalls a newer
Make copies of your MySQL databases, stored in /var/mysql/, if you want to migrate to version 4.0.
Mail Database
Save the mail database, if you want to reuse it. Its default location is /Library/ AppleMailServer/.
Webmail Data
Mac OS X Server version 10.3 installs a version of SquirrelMail configured to use the mail server running on the local computer. Address books and preferences are stored in /var/db/squirrelmail/data/. You may want to migrate your users’ address books and preferences to that location.
FTP Configuration Files
To migrate your FTP settings, save these configuration files:
In this directory | Save these files |
Configurationftpconversions ftphosts ftpgroups ftpusers
/Library/FTPServer/Messages banner.txt welcome.txt limit.txt
Chapter 3 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.1