IBM manual VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook

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VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook

Cliff Bays ** Dave Greenough ** John Hutchinson

Dan Janda ** Kevin Jones ** Gilbert Saint-flour

International Technical Support Organization

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Contents VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook Page October VSE to OS/390 Migration WorkbookTake Note First Edition OctoberContents Job Control Language JCL Differences and Considerations Key Documents and Other ReferencesOperating System Implementations Disk and Tape Storage Considerations162 Defining MQSeries Object and Operating Advanced Function Printing and Print Services Facility/MVSData Division File Description FD Part 3. Converting VSE Languages to OS/390 LanguagesVSE/ESA Egcs VSE to Dbcs OS Version 2 Comments 349 Part 4. Converting VSE Utilities to OS/390 Utilities Part 5. Setting Up the Migration EnvironmentVSE/Fast Copy and OS/390 DFSMSdss Prepare the Migration EnvironmentOrientation to OS/390 Console Operation Orienting Iccf Users to TSO/ISPFSystems Management Philosophy and Methodology Understanding Message Formats and Replies495 Appendix B. Mapping ISV Products and Functions 565 Appendix E. Related PublicationsList of Abbreviations 583 591Xvii FiguresLoading a Random Preformatted DAM File under VSE Xix TablesXx VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook Team That Wrote This Redbook PrefaceRedbook Builders and Key Contributors Comments Welcome Authors and Significant ContributorsHttp// Part 1. Planning the Migration An Introduction VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook Synopsis of This Book Why Customers MigrateWhat do I need to read? System Programmers Read the followingBusiness Consolidation Traditional Reasons for MigratingCapacity Constraints Mergers/AcquisitionsVirtual Storage Supervisor CicsCics TOR UnusedProd ACF Static Dynamic Partitions SVA 31-Bit 16MB VSEVSE Vtam C1 Y1 SVA 24- BitWay Processor Support ImageTask Quantity MVS NucleusApplications Availability Functional Reasons for Migrating to OS/390Systems Management Systems Availability ConnectivityStaff Availability Introduction to Sizing Sizing the EffortDefining the Migration Project Objectives Source Programs Areas of VSE and OS/390 DifferencesSource Program Inventory Batch and Online Program ConversionFiles Job Control LanguageOperations Comparison of Basic VSE Functions & Components to OS/390Iocp IOCP, HCD Erep Mshp SMP/EA S M LE/VSE LE/MVSCobol PL/I RPGComparison of VSE Functions & Components to OS/390 OS/390 Components/Products/SubsystemsOS/390 Operating Environment 1.1 OS/390 Product ContentNetwork Computing Services Distributed Computing ServicesUnix System Services LAN ServicesMVS Subsystem and Component Terminology ∙ Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem ∙ Interactive Problem Control System Ipcs∙ Systems Resources Manager SRM ∙ Systems Management Facility SMFSupporting Products What Changes Between VSE and OS/390? Subsystem Level Comparison/AffinityPhilosophical Changes SecurityConsole Operator Interface AutomationJCL Processing Management DisciplinesWho′ s Normal Activities are Affected? ActivitiesRoles Activities Kernel/Progressive Approach Approaches to Migration DisclaimerSingle Switchover Mass Application Migration Approach Staffing Strategies 3 VM/ESA Guest Support in Your VSE to OS/390 MigrationIn-House Staff Outside Consultants Conversion ToolsCAP-GEMINI System Programming Educational Requirements IntroductionApplication Programming Application Inventory Scope of Work and ChallengesJCL Conversion Program ConversionVSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook File Migration VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook Automated Operations Project ManagementCost Considerations Introduction References OS/390 Documentation ResourcesWeb URL Key Documents and Other ReferencesOverview References Developing the PlanRecommendations Project ManagementTake Advantage Of Conversion Tools and Automation Two Phase ApproachMigration Plan Guide and Outline Conversion MethodLibrarian Project StaffingMigration Responsibilities Migration Assignments Team Plan Components ApproachSystems Programmers Project ManagerApplications Programmers TasksMilestone Events Progressive versus Mass Conversion Approach Differences EducationShared Application Files and Databases Historical PerspectiveShared Application Code Operations Support StaffingRisk Management Standardized Conversion Deliverables and AutomationComplexity of Implementation Mass Migration Used as a Conversion Tool Mass Migration as a Conversion MethodCobol RPGPlan Examples Estimated Project Schedule Project ScheduleEstimated Schedule for CNV Responsibilities Month Number Month InitialEstimated Schedule for SER Responsibilities Estimated Schedule for ABC ResponsibilitiesABC Responsibilities SER ResponsibilitiesProject Plan Summary Project Plan ExampleTask Name Projected Actual Start End 1998 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Task NameProject Plan Details PCL Task Name Projected Actual Start End 1998 Jan Feb Apr Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Task IDTask ID Conversion Software Install Batch File Migration Procedures JCL VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook Copyright IBM Corp VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook Philosophy of JCL in System/390 Job Control Language JCL Differences and Considerations2 OS/390′s Job Control Philosophy 1 VSE/ESA′s Job Control Language PhilosophyJob Control Language JCL Differences and Considerations JCL Statement and Job Layout High Level SimilaritiesJCL Differences Between VSE and MVS SpoolingJob Input VSE Example Multiple Instream Data Set InputJCL Parameter Handling Data Driven Segmentation of Output$$ LST CLASS=J,DEST=DANJ,DISP=H $$ EOJOperator Flexibility and Intervention JCL ExpansionPause Statement Comment Lines in the JCLAssgn SYS005,CUU Hidden JCL Allocation of ResourcesResource Allocation at Open Time Partition and System Standard LabelsHelp for the Hidden JCL Problem Permanent Assignments and Power Defaults5.3 ²Carry-Over² Assgn SYS010,FEF Device Address SpecificationsSYS010 DD SYSOUT= REPORT1 DD SYSOUT=Partition Dependent Codes in JCL CatalogsCommunication Region Date and Upsi Upsi VSE Job Control StatementsJob Statement Exec StatementMTC Statement Reset StatementAssgn Statement Dlbl and ExtentDD Statement MVS Job Control StatementsOutput JCL Statement MVS Conditional JCLCond Parameter on the Exec Statement 1 of 2. VSE Job Control Statements Summary Comparison of VSE and MVS JCL a SummaryFunction MVS Equivalent Statement 2 of 2. VSE Job Control Statements Summary MVS Job Control Statements Summary of MVS JCL StatementsJCL Statement Purpose 2. Overview of Power Jecl Statements Comparison of Power and JES2 Jecl a SummaryJecl List Card * $$ LST1 of 2. JES2 Control Statements Summary of JES2 Jecl a TableStatement Purpose Comments 2 of 2. JES2 Control Statements VSE and MVS JCL Comparison ExampleSample VSE JCL Myjob JOB ACCT#,′ Report by PLANT′ , CLASS=F,REGION=4M Sample MVS JCLSysin DD * 01 Endicott Boeblingen Extent DISKO1,0,100,500 Sample VSE plus Carry-OverExtent DISK14,0,600,500 Outfil BLKSIZE=4350 Sort EndedExec PROGRAM2,SIZE=300K VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook Disk and Tape Storage Considerations Access Method Similarities and Differences Access MethodsDAM or Bdam Operating System ImplementationsData Set Naming Considerations VSE Considerations Miscellaneous Functions2 OS/390 Considerations System Managed Storage Storage and Space Management VSE ConsiderationsDisk and Tape Storage Considerations Implementing Dfsms Standard Labels Tape Similarities and Differences Volume InterchangeabilityVOL1 HDR1 TM Data Records TM EOF1 TM TM VOL1 HDR1 TM Data Records TM EOV1 TMVOL1 UHL1 UHL8Standard User Labels No LabelsBypass Label Processing Facility in OS/390 Nonstandard LabelsUse should be controlled OS/390 Single Data Set-Multiple Volumes OS/390 Single Data Set-Single VolumeVSE With Tapemark Before Data Records VSE Without Tapemark Before Data RecordsDasd Vtoc Processing Dasd Similarities and Differences Volume InterchangeabilityIndexed Vtoc Considerations OS/390 2 OS/390 Catalogs Vsam Differences IntroductionIntegrated Catalog Facility ICF Vsam Catalogs Part 1 of 2. Extract from WSC Flash Vsam Catalog and Cvol Support Ends in YR20003.1 OS/390 Master Catalog 3 OS/390 Catalog Management3.2 OS/390 User Catalogs LOADxx Prompt Nucleus Device Suffix FeatureDEPT1 & Jones DEPT4Payroll DEPT2 DEPT3Do not use Jobcat or Stepcat statements in OS/390 4 OS/390 VSE/VSAM Catalog CompatibilityConverting VSE/VSAM Catalogs to OS/390 ICF Catalogs Accessing a VSE/VSAM Catalog from an OS/390 SystemVsam Functional Differences − Delete IgnoreerrorMoving a Vsam Catalog to a Different Dasd Type Areas of ConsiderationFBA Dasd Shared Volume OwnershipCatalog Structures Noimbed OptionSynchk Parameter AMS CommandsXXL Ksds New in VSE/ESA 2.3, greater than 4GB Ksds Compress New in VSE/ESA 2.2, Vsam Record CompressionVSE/VSAM-managed SAM Files Vsam CISIZEs and Record SizesNoallocation Data Sets Default ModelsJCL Implicit Define Reusable Data SetsIkqvdu Volume Cleanup VSE/VSAM BACKUP/RESTORE and VSE FastcopyPartition Independent File Names Ikqvchk Catalog Check Data Sharing and IntegritySpace Classes OS/390 Vsam Integrity Provided by Cross-Region Shareoptions Cross-Region Sharing Single CPU EnvironmentOS/390 Vsam Cross-Region SHR4 Single ACB Open Multiple String Processing Single Region Data Set SharingIntra-Region Data Set Name Sharing OS/390 Definitions for Dasd Sharing Support Cross-System and Dasd SharingOS/390 Vsam Cross-System Shareoptions Alternatives to Vsam Data Set Sharing Dasd Sharing ConsiderationsProgramming Languages and Vsam Support Vsam Error and Reason Code CompatibilityDfsort and Vsam Considerations VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook Overview Cics Transaction Server Cics133 Key Prerequisites Cics TSVirtual Storage Considerations for MVS General Compatibility CommentsAppl Cics General System ConsiderationsData Bases TOR AOR1 AOR2Macro-level programs Journaling to tape serviceBtam devices and controllers Cics internal security and signon tableAccess to Cics system control blocks Kernel domain Domain Enqueue domainMessage domain Monitoring domain Cics DomainsCics Macro Resource Definition Table Changes Cics VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook 7.1 CSD CSD and RDO ConsiderationsSystem initialization modifications SIMODs are obsolete CONNECTION/SECURITYNAMEMRO 7.2 RDOTYPETERM/RECOVNOTIFY Cics System Data Sets RequirementsShows MVS data sets used by Cics Cics System Program Interface and Exits System Programming CommandsExits Collect StatisticsExec Cics Abend Command Exit pointsAll exits Exec Cics ReturnCics Upsi Cics Transaction SecurityApplication Programming Spool Interface restrictions SAA AD/Cycle COBOL/370 SAA AD/Cycle C/370 SAA AD/Cycle PL/I CICS/VSE and TS Coexistence Considerations Testing and Problem Determination ConsiderationsCics with DL/I Vendor ApplicationsPreparing to Use the System Iccf and TSOUser Profiles 155Permit Parmlib Classtsoauth Idaaaa Accessread Adduser Aaaa PASSWORDsecret SpecialPermit JCL Permit OperMessage Facilities Logon ProceduresSecurity Summary Using the SystemDescriptive Qualifier Data Set Contents Accessing the SystemEntering and Manipulating Data Edit Payrollprtchk NEW Cobol Ready Executing Programs at a TerminalSubmitting Jobs for Batch Execution Migrating from VSE/ICCF to MVS and TSO/E Using Command ProceduresConverting Iccf Libraries Sample Iccf Procedure Sysin DD Data TOP Stack 13 Quit Load Dtsprocs OptionsSave Iebupdte Edit Iebupdte Next DELIccf Procedures and Macros VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook DL/I and IMS/VS DB Differences Introduction Databases169 Data Base Descriptor DBD MVS System RequirementsPrimary Index of Hidam DB Secondary Index for HD DBInteractive Macro Facility IMF Command-Level Coding Hlpi Program Specification Block PSBBatch Programming 5.1 RPGField Level Sensitivity Statement CompatibilityPCB after GE Status NI Status CodesOperations Utilities7.4 DL/I Parameter Statement Backout Utility/Disk LoggingDatabase Portability Alternate DL/I and IMS/ESA AccessUnloading and Reloading the Database DL/I DBD Changes Utilities Operations TuningUnload DB IMS GEN YesAdditional Information 9 DL/I Multiple Partition SupportEnd Users Application Developers System Administrators Database Administrators DBAsSQL/DS Dbsu UNLOAD/RELOAD SQL/DS Dbsu LoadOther Comparison Areas Security AdministratorsYear Summary of Migration Task Data Replication and Data AccessDrda Considerations Transaction ManagementDatabases VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook 185 Telecommunications SubsystemsACF/VTAM Vtam Data Sets Product InstallationNET Proc PERF=13 Exec Resource Definition and OperationPGM=ISTINM01,REGION=6000K,TIME=1440,DPRTY=15,13 PERFORM=&PERFVSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook Telecommunications Subsystems Resource Definition Customization and ProgrammingOperation Vtam TablesProgramming Network ConfigurationProgram Generation ACF/NCPBacklevel Hardware Support Btam Product InstallationUsage Migrating TCP/IPNetwork Definitions 3 TCP/IP Related User Data 2 TCP/IP Configuration4 TCP/IP Batch Jobs User Written TCP/IP Applications5.2 TCP/IP Applications using the Preprocessor API 5.1 TCP/IP Applications using the Sockets API for Assembler5.3 TCP/IP Applications using the BSD/C Sockets 5.4 TCP/IP Applications using the LE/VSE C Socket APIMQSeries BibliographyOS/390 Prerequisites MQSeries in Your Operating System EnvironmentTelecommunications Subsystems PL/I Installation and CustomizationCics Considerations Data Sets Defining MQSeries Object and Operating Networking DefinitionsVSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook MQSeries-based Applications SC33-0807 10.1 JES2 Introduction Power and JES2Major Differences Keep Disposition for Pre-Execution JobsTime Event Scheduling for Jobs Printer Forms Alignment via PsetupTape Spooling Separator Page DifferenceImplementing JES2 Setting Up the Required ResourcesEnd-of-page Sensing FCB IncompatibilitiesPower JES2 JES2 Spool VolumesStarting JES2 JES2 CheckpointTailoring JES2 10.3 JES2-POWER Functional ComparisonJES2 Input Sources compared to Power Input ServiceMultiple System Support Input FromJob Scheduling OS/390 SolutionJob Stream Disposition Time Event Scheduling Serializing Job ExecutionAdditional Job Scheduling Functions with MVS/JES2 1 of 2. POWER/JES2 Output Service Comparison Output ServiceOutput Service Printers Supported 2 of 2. POWER/JES2 Output Service ComparisonOutput Segmentation NEWPAGE=1Output Disposition Separator Page DifferencesFCB Naming Differences FCB PrefixesInteractive User Interfaces ICCF/CMS/TSO FCB SpecificationUCS Naming Conventions Functional RJE Differences Remote Job EntryRemote Workstation Definitions InteractiveRJE Operations Network Job EntryRJE Exits Application Interfaces Output Retrieval Job Information ServicesOther Interfaces Job Accounting Accounting ComparisonsJES2 SMF Accounting Records NJE Activity VSE/POWER Account MVS/JES2 SMF Record RAS CharacteristicsNJE Accounting Accounting Records for NJE ActivitiesPOWER/JES2 Detailed Comparisons 10.3.11 JES2 Testing TechniquesMapping Power Parameters to JES2 Init Parms Equivalent JES2 Parms for Power Macro1 of 2. Power Macro to JES2 Parameter Mapping Pline Mapping to JES2 Line Parameters for RJE and NJE 2 of 2. Power Macro to JES2 Parameter MappingPline Macro to JES2 Parameter Mapping Define BSC Remotes1 of 2. Prmt Macro to JES2 Parameter Mapping 2 of 2. Prmt Macro to JES2 Parameter Mapping Define SNA Remote WorkstationsPrmt Macro to JES2 Parameter Mapping Define NJE Nodes Exit ComparisonsDefine Compaction Tables Pnode Macro to JES2 Parameter MappingPower Exit to JES2 Exits POWER-JES2 Command EquivalencesSource Code Modifications JES2 Patching FacilityCommand Short Code Form Verb Task Management CommandsNetwork Management NJE Operator Commands2 of 2. Network Management Commands Sending Commands and MessagesFile Control Commands Sending Commands and MessagesIntroducing PSF/MVS Advanced Function Printing and Print Services Facility/MVSFunctional Comparison between PSF/VSE and PSF/MVS Migration EffortDefining Channel-attached Printers to MVS Installing and Configuring PSF/MVSDefining Network Printers Attachment OptionsDefining Printers for PSF Printing PSF Startup Procedures11.2.2.2 TCP/IP Attached Printers Comparison of Printdev Statement Parameters FSS Procedure and Printdev StatementsPrintdev Parameter Comparison Migrating Resources from VSE to OS/390 Setting up AFP ResourcesRemote-Resident Resources Defining ResourcesMigrating Print Applications Transferring Print Streams VSE and OS/390 CoexistenceJCL and Jecl Differences Printing from TSOUnderstanding Operational Differences Command ComparisonStarting and Stopping PSF High Level Language Programming Interfaces2 of 2. VSE OS/390 Command Comparison Installation ExitsOther Differences Performance References 11.6.1 PSF/VSE Publications Accounting11.6.2 PSF/MVS Publications RedbooksInternet Locations ServicesVSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook 247 Part 3. Converting VSE Languages to OS/390 LanguagesVSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook General Comments on Cobol for OS/390 and VM Cobol249 VSE to OS/390 Migration Considerations Comparison of IBM Cobol CompilersDOS/VS Cobol Useful Publications Migrating Object CodeDeck Outdd12.3.1 DOS/VS Cobol Cics Programs Converting from DOS/VS CobolUseful Cobol Publications PRIMARY-FIELD PIC Common Cobol Coding ProblemsFIELD1 Values are 60 61 FIELD2 Values are 50 51 Filler Redefines RECORD-A RECORD-ARECA-FIRST PIC RECA-SECND Move 0 to RETURN-CODESPECIAL-NAMES Sysin Configuration Section SPECIAL-NAMES ParagraphIs ACCEPT-SYSIN UPSI-0 Is CBL232B on Status is CBL232-BASE UPSI-1Assign Clause Procedure Division Input/OutputLinage Clause and END-OF-PAGE Phrase Close Statement for TapesProgram Termination File Handling ConsiderationsFile Status Codes Exit Program Goback Stop RUNConverting from VS Cobol PROCEDURE-POINTER FunctionFile Attribute Mismatches IsamConverting from Cobol for VSE/ESA VS Cobol II Cics ProgramsSome Conversion Considerations for all VSE Cobol Compilers Vsam12.8.1 RES/NORES Compiler OptionsCompiler Option Considerations for VS Cobol Rmodeauto PgmnamecompatWordnooo Reserved Word Considerations for DOS/VS Cobol Reserved WordsFDUMP/NOFDUMP FlagsaaCbltitle EMI PrintingReserved Word Considerations for VS Cobol II and Cobol for FUNCTIONPROCEDURE-POINTERCompiling and Running Your Converted Cobol Programs VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook Assembler Products AssemblerGeneral Assembler Conversion Comments 267MVS Register Conventions System Interface and MacrosTermination InitiationRegister Conventions LA 13,SAVEA LA 13,SAVEB Call Progb Call Progc Application Program LogicSave Areas 11,SAVEA 11,SAVEB 11,SAVEC Proga Start Progb Csect Progc Csect MVSCall Progb Call Progc Savea DCVSE Call Larex Csect UsingMVS Call Call SUBRTN11213,X′ FF′ Set return indicators Return 1213 Restore the registers13,413 Get backward chain pointer Caller′ s save areaCommunication Region Problem Program Area Addresses Upsi User Program Switch IndicatorsJob Name User Program Communication BytesCommunications Region Simulation Progb Load the phase15,1 Pass address CallEPLOC=PHASENM VSE PhasenmEP=PROGB CdloadVSE Binary VSE Standard HM MS S MVS DECMVS BIN Time DEC,OUTAREA,DATETYPE=YYYYMMDD,LINKAGE=SYSTEMDump VSE JdumpMVS Abend Dump ,STEP VSE Lock DTL1 VSE Cancel ALL MVS AbendUnlock DTL1 MVS ENQ MF=E,DTL1End address Poiner Resar addressVSE Chkpt ′ S′ATTACH/DETACH Macros Multitasking MacrosEntrypoint Cb locaion addressEcb1,ecb2 VSE Wait Lisname WAIT/POST MacrosNumber of evens,ECB = address ECBLIST=address System RCB/ENQ/DEQ MacrosStep Systems System SystemsInterrupt Handling Routines Interval Timer InterruptsOperator Communication Interrupts VSE Ttimer Cancel MVS Ttimer Cancel ,TUTecb Setime ExitGetvis and Freevis Macros Virtual Storage MacrosVsam Macros RPL Macro Additional MVS Parameters Exlst Macro and Excpad Routines∙ M a C R F = Data Management Macros Vsam Error and Reason Code CompatibilityShowcb Macro MVS Vsam Check MacroDefinition of Blksize List and Execute Macro FormsIoreg Liocs Card File Definition I/O Error CheckingBufno = Mode = E O Devd = ..,MODE=E OCtlchr = YES ASACntrl Macro Liocs Printer File DefinitionPrtov Macro Card File Programs in VSE and MVSControl = YES Macrf = PC Ctlchr = YES Liocs Tape File DefinitionPrintov = YES Sepasmb = YESReread Leave Rewind Disp Close MacroNo equivalen. The opion specified in he Disp VSE MVS Bsam onlyBSR, number of blocks FSR, number of blocksRelse Macro Points MacroTrunc Macro GET / PUT Macros Feov MacroOptcd = Q SkipEropt = ACC SKP ABE MACRF=RP,WPOpen Tape VSE PUT Close Tape Liocs Device-independent File DefinitionClose TAPE,LEAVE Liocs Console File Definition Liocs Sequential File Definition on Direct Access DevicesErropi = Ignore Eropi = ACC Skip SKP ABE Recfm = FAOutput Leave Updat Disp Extend Input Qsam InputBsam Inout Disp Updat Leave Outin Outinx Reread Leave Free DispEret Macro Write Macro Read MacroWrite Check MacroFilename Address Feovd Macro WORKA= YES Errext = YES Feovd = YES Hold = YESEropt = ACC Optcd = WGeneral Considerations Liocs Direct Access File DefinitionSequential Dasd File Program in VSE and MVS Errext = YES After = YESReadid = YES Readkey = YESVSE Error Bytes and MVS Exception Code Bits Error VSE MVSWAITF, Open and Close Macros Track Addressing Track and Record AddressingRecord Addressing Record Addressing by IDReference Methods Record Addressing by KEYRecord Reference by ID Reference Method Record Reference by KEYDCB DSORG=DA,MACRF=RISC,WIC Direct Access File ProcessingOPTCD=R,BUFL=58 ReferenceDecbadd Open DAMFILE,OUTPUTDamfile DCB MACRF=WICS,DSORG=DA,OPTCD=R Open DAMFILE,TAPE WRITER0Open DAMFILE,UPDAT,TAPE,INPUT Specified in the DD statementDCB Loading a Sequential DAM File under MVSDECBR0,SZ,R0FILE STC Open R0FILE,OUTPUT,TAPE WRITER0DECBR0 CLI Open DAMFILE,OUTPUT CLIThree CountDISP=OLD DCB=BLKSIZE=50,RECFM=F GO.R0DD DD DSN=UDAM DCB=DSORG=DA DISP=,KEEP GO.DAMDD DD DSN=UDAMLoading a DAM File Undefined or Variable-Length Records Loading a DAM File Fixed-Length Records without keysDamfile Addition Write DAMFILE,AFTER Open Damfile Read DAMFILE,KEYAFTER=YES,ERREXT=YES,RELTRK=YES Processing a DAM File under VSELoading a Random Preformatted DAM File under VSE Multiple Search / FeedbackType or Reference Liocs Indexed Sequential DefinitionOverview of Programming Elements PiocsCCB Macro Dtfph Macro Comparison of Physical Iocs ElementsMigration from VSE to OS/390 RPGDevice Information Print FilesTape Labels File Access MethodsExtent Exit Processing OptionsCalling Cobol Subprograms Direct access method files are processed with BdamCalling PL/I Subprograms YearVSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook 333 PL/IMultitasking Extended PrecisionDynamic Loading of Dependent Programs File Organization15.1.7 %INCLUDE Parameters Passed to a Main ProgramCompiler Options Options Specific to the DOS Compiler CatalogOptions Specific to the MVS Compiler Execution Options Linkages Between Languages Linkages Supported Exec and Process CardsLinkages not Supported Environment AttributesNot Supported in MVS ²TOTAL² Option Supported but to be AvoidedSIS Option Sequential Insert Strategy Calling Sort from PL/I Interfaces OfferedRecord Sort FieldsStorage Return CodePlirest Checkpoint-Restart in PL/I PlickptCall Plickpt pl,p2,p3,p4 DOS and MVS If ONCODE= xxx then doDump in PL/I Optimizer Output File PlicancOptions Specific to DOS ² File Plidump could not be Opened Ddname MISSING²Options Specific to MVS Return Codes in PL/I Setting Return CodesCompatibility Return Code ValuesOverlay Structures Automatic RestartConversion Overlay in MVSStatements not Supported 15.12 PL/I and Cics File SupportCALLing Dump 15.12.6 PL/I-CICS/VS Transaction Abend CodesPL/I VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook VS Fortran in OS/390 FortranFortran Conversion Considerations 349VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook General Comments on Language Environment Language Environment LEFew Words about Cobol and PL/I 35117.2.1 LE/VSE-conforming Languages For VSE/ESA Migrating from LE/VSE-Conforming LanguagesUseful Publications 17.3.3 PL/I for VSE/ESA Cobol for VSE/ESAMigrating from Non-LE/VSE Run-time Environments Options MappingVS Cobol 17.4.2 C/370Report and Isasize Options, C/370 and DOS PL/I 370 Migration ConsiderationsVS Cobol II Migration Considerations DOS PL/IDOS/VS Cobol Migration Considerations DOS PL/I Migration Considerations Default setting for the Depthcondlmt option, both forMigration Comments Consideration Depthcondlmt1 of 2. ILC Migration Considerations Migrating Interlanguage Communications ApplicationsTo Migrate You Need To DOS PL/IMigrating from LE/VSE Migrating Assembler ApplicationsRun-time Options 2 of 2. ILC Migration ConsiderationsSyslst Shh Ihh UddddCblqda Flow Interrupt Simvrd Vctrsave Run-time Options and LE/VSEArgparse Run-time Options and LE/VSE 1.4 and Later ReleasesLanguage Environment Recommended Settings for OptionsLanguage Option Recommendation Assembler User Exits User Exits and Abnormal Termination ExitsHigh-Level Language Exits Ceecxita CicsAbnormal Termination Exits Callable Services and Math ServicesCics 17.5.4 LE/VSE 1.4 LocalesCobol and Cics CeetdliUser Exits and Abnormal Termination Exits VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook Rexx and VM/ESA Procedure Language RexxRexx and VSE/ESA Rexx and TSO/EEnvironments Power18.4.1 VSE/ESA Environment 18.4.2 VM/ESA Environment18.4.3 TSO/E Environment Migration IssuesRexx Exec Sample for the OS/2, TSO and CMS Environments RexxRexx Bibliography Rexx and SAA373 Part 4. Converting VSE Utilities to OS/390 UtilitiesVSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook JCL Statements Sort375 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook Control Statements VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook Additional DFSORT/VSE Migration Considerations Icetool Compatibility with Previous Releases of Ditto Ditto381 MVS/ESA VSE/ESA VM/ESADitto Functions that are No Longer Supported Function Description ReplacementDitto Functions that are Not Recommended Ditto Function Code Synonyms Functions Keyword Description ReplacementBatch Keywords that are No Longer Supported Function Synonyms DescriptionDITTO/ESA Security Batch Keywords that are Not RecommendedVSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook Vsam Backup/Restore Vsam Backup/Restore21.1.1 OS/390 Vsam Backup/Restore 21.1.2 VSE/VSAM Backup/RestoreVSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook Overall Library Support Librarian389 ∙ Interactive usage 22.1.1 OS/390 Ispf Overview22.1.2 OS/390 Library Management VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook VSE Printlog Utility LISTLOG/PRINTLOG Printing Log StreamsVSE Listlog Utility Program 23.3 OS/390 Hardcopy ProcessingPrinting Syslog SyslogPrinting Operlog Systems Management Recording 23.5 JES2 System Data Sets Job Log and System MessagesPrinting SMF Records VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook 24.1 VSE/Fast Copy Online and Stand-Alone VSE/Fast Copy and OS/390 DFSMSdss397 DFSMSdss OS/390 Component ∙ DUMP/RESTORE∙ Compress ∙ Release399 Part 5. Setting Up the Migration EnvironmentVSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook 401 Prepare the Migration EnvironmentProcessor Requirements Install and Configure Required HardwareDevices Supported by OS/390 Dasd Requirements403 Other Hardware RequirementsInter-Systems Connectivity Terminal AccessShared Dasd Tape DrivesFee-based Methods of Installing OS/390 Order and Install the OS/390 SoftwareSoftwareXcel Installation Express SIE Data Transfer and NJESoftwareXcel SystemPac/MVS Entitled Methods of Installing OS/390Other Offerings ServerPacInstallation Standards Set Up Standards, Procedures, and DocumentationCbpdo Data Management StandardsMVS Naming Standards Dasd and Tape Volume SerialsRelated Redbooks Data SetsJCL Standards Systems Management Procedures409 Other MVS NamesCreating an Emergency Backup System Enforcing Installation StandardsImplementing System Security Backing Up Your SystemManaging Problems Setting Up Critical Operations ProceduresManaging Change 411Your Hardcopy Library DocumentationYour Softcopy Library Printing Softcopy BooksVerifying the New OS/390 System Customize Your New OS/390 System413 Providing Terminal Access to the OS/390 System Applying Preventive ServiceMVS BCP Customization NetView FTP AccessProviding NJE Connection to the OS/390 System SYS1.PARMLIB ParametersOther OS/390 Elements Optional Features for ReleaseTailoring Other Components Base Elements for Release417 Independent Software Vendor ProductsVSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook Test Environments Differences in Testing ²Philosophy²Terminology 419Test Systems in the Life of the Migration Production Maintenance Backup Sand-boxApplication Development & Test System Application Program, JCL, and Data ConversionOS/390 VSE Backup Production Maintenance OS/390 Production Stand-By Maintenance26.3 VM, LPAR, or Standalone Systems Logical Partitioning Software Partitioning Our Recommendation New Users of VM System Simulation Advantages of Guest Support in VM/ESAReduced Hardware and Migration Cost Performance BenefitsAccess to VM/ESA CMS Applications Recovery ManagementOperations Management Interactive Computing, Application Development and SupportDB2 Guest Sharing Use of CMSModels 3 and 6 Fast Write Transparency Multiple 3270 Session SupportSynchronizing VSE Applications with OS/390 Versions Parallel ActivitiesBuilding the Initial OS/390 Test System OS/390 Guest Considerations26.5.2 OS/390 Test Logical Partition 26.5.1 OS/390 Maintenance EnvironmentMaintaining Your OS/390 Libraries and SMP/E Zones Shared Dasd between OS/390 Test Systems vs. Cloned Dasd Shared Dasd vs. Cloned DasdShared Dasd between VSE and OS/390 vs. Cloned Dasd VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook 435 Part 6. Running Your OS/390 SystemVSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook 27.1 TSO/ISPF and Sdsf Orienting Iccf Users to TSO/ISPF437 Editing Data Sets Submitting Jobs Using Ispf UtilitiesManaging Projects Creating and Executing Ispf ApplicationsTracking Jobs Using Sdsf for OperatorsRetrieving Output VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook Operating Hardware Consoles Orientation to OS/390 Console OperationUnderstanding the Operator Interfaces 443Managing Display Consoles Controlling ConsolesConsole Modes DEL=R,SEG=28,CON=N,RNUM=14,RTME=001,MFORM=T,JExtended MCS Consoles Using the TSO/E FunctionsDisplay Areas PFKeysUnderstanding Message Formats and Replies Using Sdsf for System OperationStarting the System Controlling the OS/390 SystemDisplaying System Status Controlling Devices Stopping the SystemDisplaying the Status of Devices Understanding Device AllocationSdsf Device Panels 28.4.3 JES2 DevicesControlling TSO Users, Jobs and Started Tasks Displaying Work on Your System28.5.1.2 JES2 Commands MVS CommandsSdsf Panels RMF and Other MonitorsControlling Batch Jobs Controlling Time Sharing UsersControlling Started Tasks 28.6.1 JES2 RJE Operations Managing Remote OperationsHost Operations Remote Workstation OperationsCommand Authority for Remote Operators Using Sdsf Panels for RJENJE Operations Remotes Without Consoles$D PATHnodename Using Sdsf Panels for NJE$D Nxx.′$D NODEyy′ $D MNn,′Please drain your session′IEBxxx or IEHxxx Orientation for Utilities455 DFSMSdss DFSMSdss Storage Administration Reference, SC26-4929457 Systems Management Philosophy and MethodologyVSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook Systems Management Scope What Needs to be Managed? Change Management Overview Role of AutomationMethodology Problem Management OverviewTasks Performance Management Overview Methodology Operations Management Overview Methodology Automating Operational Procedures Security Management Overview Configuration Management Overview Methodology Accounting Management Overview Asset Management OverviewSummary Problem Determination Tools Diagnosing System ProblemsDumps IpcsTraces Using IpcsAnalyzing Traces Slip 31.4 JES2 DiagnosisPerformance Tools Catalog Recovery Analyzing Catalogs for Errors and SynchronizationDFSMS/MVS Diagnosis DFSMSdfpDFSMShsm Checking a Vsam Ksds for Structural ErrorsDFSMSrmm Diagnostic Reference Publications479 Part 7. Converting your ApplicationsVSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook 481 Conversion Process∙ Refer to MVS MS Production Standards, LB11-8080 Conversion Process IntroductionConversion Process Manuals PrerequisitesSecure OS/390 Skills Migrate the SNA Network Early 24x7 InstallationsAssumptions Mass Conversion Overview / Benefits Repetitive Conversion Automated ConversionMass Conversion Tools Mass Conversion SwitchoverAutomation Limits Cortex MS Automated Conversion ProcessDMT DOS/OS/390 Translator INT File IntegrationEZ-PCL Easy PCL Switch SwitchoverPrep Preparation ENV EnvironmentTranslate the Languages/Programs Inventory ValidationJCL Conversion Tools File TransferPreparation Phases Mass Conversion Phase OverviewProject Planning and Orientation Phase 0 Project Management and Technical Leadership∙ Implement System Managed Storage Dfsms Phase 1 Application Inventory Determination Analysis and Resolution of ExceptionsCollection Supply32.4.3 OS/390 Standards and Naming Conventions VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook Phase 2 Conversion Specifications Analyze the VSE Source Material Design the MVS Target Output Phase 3 Customization or Development of Conversion ToolsDetermine the Method to Get from Source to Target Manual OS/390 Conversion VSE PositioningProgram Conversion Considerations Conversion PhasesCommon VSE Coding Practices Causing Conversion Problems Phase 4 Initial Trial Conversion Phases of testing Objectives of testingPersonnel Involvement in Testing Testing PrioritiesResponsibilities RecommendationsTest Plan MVS Tools TestingDasd Requirements Subsystem Storage ProtectConversion Process OS/390 Automated Operations Tools Unit Testing Initialization TestingBatch Unit Testing Online Unit TestingData Migration in Unit Testing Timing between Online and Batch TestingOnline System TestingBatch Data Migration in System Testing Parallel/Production Simulation TestingData Migration in Parallel Testing Date Concerns during Parallel Testing Implementation PhasesJob Simulation Converting the Development Material Phase 6 Actual Conversion and SwitchoverFinal JCL Conversion Final Program Conversion SwitchoverData/File Migration Additional Switchover Tasks Phase 7 Initial OS/390 OperationsConversion Services IBM Global Services Conversion Services and ToolsAutomated Migration Services AMS 519IBM OPTI-AUDIT for VSE Conversion Tools 33.2.1 VSE/ESA FacilitiesProduct Details Product HighlightsIBM Cobol and Cics Command Level Conversion Aid Ccca Technical Description Product PositioningSisro CORTEX-Migration System CORTEX-MS Computer Associates Source Recovery CompanyCA-Convertor CA-DUOCobol Recovery Example Recovery/SRCRename/SRC Reconcile/SRC527 Part 8. Migration ExperienceVSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook Background Customer Migration ExampleEnvironment HardwareResources InventoryPhase Two Phase OneDuration Benefits 533 Part 9. AppendixesVSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook 535 Appendix A. Education InformationCustom Classes When are Courses Scheduled and When are they Needed?OEM Product Education Who will Provide the Training? Where will the Training Take Place?VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook IBM Software Migration Project Office Smpo Appendix B. Mapping ISV Products and FunctionsVSE ISV System Management Products and OS/390 Compared 539Idms Appendix B. Mapping ISV Products and Functions VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook Data Set Naming Guidelines Appendix C. Dfsms Naming Conventions543 High-Level Qualifier HLQ Components of a Data Set NameAppendix C. Dfsms Naming Conventions Relative Importance File ContentsData Set Level User NameThings Not to Include in the Data Set Name Department NumberManagement Criteria Application LocationOutput Device Type Expiration DateJob Name Access MethodCommon Applications Naming Conventions TSO Naming Conventions3 DB2 Naming Conventions Vsam Data Set Naming ConventionsHlq.DSNDBx.dbname.tblspacename.I0001.A00n DSNDBx isC.GnnnnV00 Generation Data SetsVSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook 553 Appendix D. Special NoticesAdstar ACF/VTAMAFP AIXVM/ESA VM/XA VSE/ESA Vtam Following terms are trademarks of other companiesVSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook International Technical Support Organization Publications Appendix E. Related PublicationsOther Redbooks OS/390 Product Publications2 OS/390 Online Product Library Planning BooksBook Title Publication Number SK2T-6700Other Sources Books on the Internet Other PublicationsRedbooks on CD-ROMs Redbooks 1.2 OS/390 Books IBM Printing SystemsVSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook How IBM Employees Can Get Itso Redbooks How to Get Itso Redbooks561 ∙ Telephone Orders How Customers Can Get Itso Redbooks∙ Mail Orders Ð send orders to ∙ Fax Ð send orders toPlease send me the following IBM Redbook Order FormVSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook 565 Glossary NumericsVSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook O s s a r y Customer Information Control System CICS. An O s s a r y VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook File Information Management System/Virtual Storage Language Environment Oct-14 Language/Product Days Since Dec-31Interactive Computing and Control Facility ICCF. An VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook O s s a r y Ordinal Day of Year. See Julian Date O s s a r y Rolling window. Synonymous with sliding window Resource Access Control Facility RACF. AnO s s a r y System management facilities SMF. See SMF O s s a r y Year2000 support. The ability to provide Year2000 readiness 583 List of AbbreviationsRecovery Command ListCallable Services Library Control VolumeExtended Common Service Data Set ServicesEnvironmental error Record External Symbol DictionaryService Facility Interactive Command FacilityInteractive Problem Control Indexed Sequential AccessSeries Power ENDPrint Service Facility Program Specification BlockPrint Service Facility/6000 Queued Sequential AccessSQL Processor Using File Service Planning GuideSystem Services Program SYStem ADMinistratorVsam Volume Data Set Facility Volume Table of ContentsVsam Volume Record EXtended Recovery Facility591 Index Special CharactersACF/VTAM Cancel TtimerApsrmark MVS Aptrmark VSEIndex Diagnostic reference 478 Language Environment 353 MQSeries Batch TCP/IP 195 unit testingPSF/MVS Plicanc Plickpt PlirestCobol CicsConversion CA-Convertor CORTEX-MS Courses locations 537 schedules 536 when neededDadsm Dasd VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook Device Ditto Entrypoint E15 Exit ProcedureData Division File Description FD AssociateGonumber FBA DasdFilesec FortranIdcams Iebcopy Iebgener Isam IpcsIsasize Ismf IspfJES2 Limsconv LE/VSELink LiocsCortex MS VS Fortran 356Migration TCP/IPNJE MVS device addresses 80 DFPOperlog Printing Operlog 394 Opsys routine 349 OPTI-AUDIT 79Vtamlst 190 XCF OS/390 NCPMVS BCP Piocs PL/I PL/I Syslog 394 SMF records 395 Softcopy books 412RES/NORES ProjectRacf RDOTSO/E Resources371 VM/ESA 370 Risk management Risky VSE coding practices 504Sort RexxFields IcetoolVSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook Index VS Cobol II BACKUP/RESTOREVsam BtamVSE/VSAM BACKUP/RESTORE & VSE Delete IgnoreerrorOS/VS Cobol CompressVtamlst VSE Year2000621 Itso Redbook EvaluationPlease answer the following questions VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook SG24-2043-00 XRL/1 XRL/2 Jmacp XRL/3XRL/4 XRL/5 XRL/6 XRL/7 XRL/8 XRL/9 XRL/10 Dittind XRL/11Oploind XRL/12Operlog Smfpind XRL/13ACB XRL/14 PowerDL/I NJEXRL/15 XRL/16 XRL/17 XRL/18 Vosind XRL/19Ctrind CsysindXRL/20 XRL/21 MVS BCP XRL/22Cortex MS XRL/23XRL/24 XRL/25 XRL/26 XRL/27
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OS/390 specifications

IBM OS/390, a versatile operating system, was a cornerstone in enterprise environments and played a pivotal role in mainframe computing. Released in the mid-1990s, OS/390 combined the strengths of IBM's MVS (Multiple Virtual Storage) with new features and enhancements, targeting scalability, reliability, and performance in demanding business applications.

One of the key features of OS/390 was its robust support for multiple users and processes. The system allowed thousands of concurrent users to access applications and data, ensuring high availability and minimizing downtime—a critical requirement for many large organizations. This scalability was supported through various enhancements in memory management and processor scheduling, enabling optimal resource allocation across diverse workloads.

OS/390 was known for its superior workload management capabilities. The Workload Manager (WLM) component allowed administrators to define service policies, specifying how system resources would be allocated according to the priority of tasks. This ensured that critical business processes received the necessary resources while less critical tasks were managed more flexibly.

Another significant characteristic of OS/390 was its commitment to security. The operating system provided comprehensive security features, including user authentication, data encryption, and auditing capabilities. This focus on security was vital for organizations handling sensitive data, ensuring compliance with regulations and safeguarding against unauthorized access.

OS/390 also supported advanced technologies that facilitated integration and development. The system included features like the IBM CICS (Customer Information Control System) for transaction processing and IMS (Information Management System) for database management. These technologies allowed organizations to build robust, high-performance applications tailored to specific business needs.

The ease of network integration was another strength of OS/390. With the advent of the Internet and global connectivity, OS/390 systems could easily interface with various network protocols, enabling businesses to operate in a connected world. This inclusion paved the way for many organizations to expand their capabilities and offer new services, driving digital transformation.

In conclusion, IBM OS/390 represented a significant advancement in mainframe technology, combining scalability, security, and robust workload management. Its rich feature set and support for critical enterprise applications solidified its role as a vital component of many organizations' IT infrastructures, ensuring they could meet their operational challenges head-on while supporting future growth. As technology continues to evolve, the legacy of OS/390 remains influential in the realm of computing.