zIf the 3D glasses do not turn On even though 3D screen displays when playing a 3D game, press the 3D button to check that Frame Sequential is selected for 3D Mode. Depending on the graphics card, Frame Sequential might not be selected automatically when playing a 3D game.
z Refer to "Online Help" for PC system requirements and details about how to use "SyncMaster 3D Game Launcher(TriDef 3D)".
zIf you start a game from the desktop and not from "SyncMaster 3D Game Launcher(TriDef 3D)", the game will not be displayed in 3D.
zThe minimum PC system requirements may vary depending on the 3D game. For details, refer to the home page or user guide for the 3D game you want to play.
z"SyncMaster 3D Game Launcher(TriDef 3D)"does not support PCs that are based on Macintosh or Linux operating systems.
zFor Information
For further details about "TriDef 3D Games for SyncMaster(TriDef 3D)": please contact DDD Co., Ltd. www.tridef.com
For further details about the product, please contact Samsung Electronics.
zTo find
"SyncMaster 3D Game Launcher(TriDef 3D)" is updated each time new games are added to the list of compatible games. Update the software periodically at www.tridef.com/syncmaster.
2.5Precautions when Viewing 3D Video
The 3D effect may be experienced differently depending on the viewer. You may not notice the 3D effect at all if you have a prescription for one eye that is very different from the other eye.
When viewing a 3D video under a fluorescent lamp or
Interference may cause the 3D glasses to malfunction if there is any other 3D product or electromagnetic device (a microwave or a device that uses 2.4
Right after the monitor powers on, the left and right sides of 3D pictures may overlap more than usual. It may take a little time until the picture quality is optimized.
In some countries, strong flickering may be experienced from the 3D glasses depending on the ambient light intensity. To minimize flicker when viewing a 3D picture, dim the light or change the frequency on the PC to 50Hz or 100Hz.
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