Used to a dju st the mon ito r color sett ing .(R ed)
Used to a dju st the mon ito r color sett ing .(Green)
Used to a dju st the mon ito r color sett ing .(Blue)
When you a dju st t he Bright ness and C ontra st after sR GB mode is select ed, sRGB mo de exits.
osd |
| Description |
Follow th ese in structions to chang e the ho rizontal positio n of the monitor's entire disp lay.
Follow th ese in structions to chang e the vetical position of the m onitor's entire display.
Follow th ese in structions to chang e the ho rizontal size of the mo nit or's e ntire display.
Follow th ese in structions to chang e the vertical size of the m onitor's entire display.
Adju st t he pincushio n setting w hen the sides of the displa y are b owed in or bo wed o ut.
Adju st t he pinbalance setting when the sid es of the d isplay are bow ed tow ard s th e left or right.
Adju st t he trapezoid setting wh en the top or botto m of the disp lay is too large or sm all.
Adju st t he parallelogram sett ing when the display is leaning left or rig ht.
Adju st t he ro tation setting w hen th e entire display is tilted left or rig ht.
Adju st t he sid e pin corne r correction w hen th e top or bott om of th e displa y is too large or sma ll.