-XPe Client is a
Citrix Program Neighborhood
Independent Computing Architecture (ICA) allows you to use applications on the server through a wide range of platforms and networks regardless of their basis.
The ICA MetaFrame Server separates the application’s internal logic from the user interface. Due to this separation, users only work with the user interface on the client. The actual application is 100% run on the server. In addition, running an application through ICA only uses approximately 10% bandwidth compared to running it locally. By using this feature of ICA, users can do more work on the client than working locally. The core technologies of ICA are as follows:
Thin Resource
-Low system requirements needed for running ICA; a computer equipped with an Intel 286 processor and 640K RAM is sufficient. This means ICA can be run on any computer that exists at present.
Thin Wire
-The default bandwidth required by ICA protocol is 20 kbps, on average. Therefore, even with a
Universal Application Client
-The Citrix ICA protocol separates the user interface from the application. While an application is running on the WinFrame
Platform Independent
-ICA is inherently being operated regardless of the operating system platform. Because the clients for UNIX, OS/2, Macintosh, and
The Citrix Program Neighborhood is a program that manages these ICA connections. To start the Citrix Program Neighborhood, select Start → Programs → Citrix → MetaFrame Access Clients → Program Neighborhood, or
To create a new ICA connection,
1. Select the type of connection to create.