Video Connector (J3)
Video signals and LCD display power (VL) are applied via a polarized
mmpitch header with gold plated (30μ") contact surfaces and ejector/latching ears. The connector is equivalent to a Samtec
Table 13. Video Connector (J3) Pinouts.
Pin | Signal | Description | Pin | Signal | Description |
1 | GND | Ground | 2 | CK | Dot Clock |
3 | HSync | Horiz. Sync | 4 | VSync | Vert. Sync |
5 | GND | Ground | 6 | R0 | Red data (LSB) |
7 | R1 | Red data | 8 | R2 | Red data |
9 | R3 | Red data | 10 | R4 | Red data |
11 | R5 | Red data (MSB) | 12 | GND | Ground |
13 | G0 | Green data (LSB) | 14 | G1 | Green data |
15 | G2 | Green data | 16 | G3 | Green data |
17 | G4 | Green data | 18 | G5 | Green data (MSB) |
19 | GND | Ground | 20 | B0 | Blue data (LSB) |
21 | B1 | Blue data | 22 | B2 | Blue data |
23 | B3 | Blue data | 24 | B4 | Blue data |
25 | B5 | Blue data (MSB) | 26 | GND | Ground |
27 | ENAB1 | Enable1 | 28 | VL | LCD Power |
29 | VL | LCD Power | 30 | GND | Ground |
31 | R/L2 | Horiz. Scan2 | 32 | U/D3 | Vert. Scan3 |
33 | GND | Ground | 34 | GND | Ground |
Ground (GND) is isolated from the display metal bezel.
1Do not keep ENAB at a static high level.
2Default is logic high or open connection. Reverse scan direction is logic low.
3Default is logic low or open connection. Reverse scan direction is logic high.
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