Sanyo DVD-SX25 manual Safety Information

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DVD Player is a class 1 laser product. However this product uses a visible laser beam which could cause hazardous radiation exposure. Be sure to operate the player correctly as instructed.

While this player is plugged to the wall outlet, do not place your eyes close to the opening of the disc tray or other openings to look into the inside of this product for your own safety.

Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified may result in hazardous radiation exposure. Do not open covers and do not attempt to repair any damaged parts. Refer product to a service technician or qualified professional for any necessary repair.

Apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing and no objects filled with liquids,

such as vases, shall be placed on the apparatus.

The mains plug or the appliance coupler is used as the disconnect device, the disconnect

device shall remain readily operable.


Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type.

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Contents DVD-SX25 UK 7KLVPRGHOKDVWKHIROORZLQJIHDWXUHV Contents About this Manual #40+0Safety Information Proper Ventilation Safety PrecautionsSafety Precautions Page General Properties Disc Types Compatible with this Unit 7LPHPage On handling discs Front Panel Functions Frontpaneldisplay VFD Rear Panel Connections Video & Audio Output Sockets Connection of Your DVD Player with TVConnection of Your DVD Player with AV Amplifier Digital Audio Output Sockets Digital Audio Output SocketsFitting Batteries in Your Remote Control Remote Control Functions DVD Playback Slow-motion Play Forward Page Displaying / Changing Subtitle Language Video CD Playback Using a DVD MenuPress PLAY/PAUSE once during play. The screen freezes Page CD Menu Pause Main Setup MenuItems Video Setup TV Display Using PagesLanguage Setup Troubleshooting Specifications Page Guarantee to Customer