TV Options Panel
Press the Option button on the remote control or keyboard. The Options panel will appear at the bottom of the screen.
From this menu, you have three options:
•Select Search Listings to search TV Listings for a program.
•Select Go Live to stop watching the recorded program and start watching live TV.
•Select Go Interactive to follow an Interactive TV Link (this button will only be selectable if the program has interactive content asso- ciated with it). For more information about Interactive Television
Links see the User Guide that came with your DISHPlayer.
To remove the Options panel from the screen, press the Options but- ton on your remote control or keyboard again.
To Replay a Recorded Program from Personal TV
As long as the program is still available, you can replay a recorded pro- gram as often as you like.
Select a program from your Personal TV listings. If you already watched part of the recording, but stopped it before it finished, the Start Over button will appear.
Replaying a Recorded Program
Select Continue to start playing the program where you previously stopped.
Select Start Over to play the pro- gram from the beginning of the recording.
Select Erase to permanently remove the program from your Personal TV listings.