Pure sound, as you have never heard it before.
You are there. In a grand concert hall as the conductor taps his baton. There is silence.
Then, suddenly, the space is filled by the full power of the orchestra. You hear every violin sing.
The cry of the woodwinds. The timpani pound at the heart of the music, and you don’t just hear it. You feel it.
You are there. In a fighter jet as the engines thrust full throttle.
The craft screams toward the sky, and your heart jumps into your mouth as the
the sound of your own gasping breath.
Pioneer receivers are conceived and designed to be overbuilt. With tremendous headroom and processing power,
they have the muscle and brains to create incredibly life like soundscape. They don’t reproduce sound.
They create astonishing, inspiring, transporting, deeply emotional experiences.
And you are there, in the middle of it all. You hear, and you see. Truly like never before.