Direct Energy HD Amplifier
For the
Insulated Dual Chassis
Both the main and amplifier chassis are partially insulated, providing the most stable earth for each section. Together with the separate construction, this ensures high sound quality equivalent to that of two separate components.
Advanced 3-D Space Frame Construction
This internal construction method uses 1.6mm thick steel plates to isolate the power s u p p l y , p o w e r a m p , analogue/digital circuitry and video circuitry. Because there can be no interference among these elements, each can perform to its optimum ability.
Isolated Power Supply Design
New Power Amp Module
In order to make the most of the Direct Energy HD Amplifier, Pioneer developed an innovative power amp module. It puts the power supply, power device and speaker terminals inside a compact unit that is one - tenth the size of previous configurations. An optimised circuit layout and highest quality parts ensure maximum power performance.
Power Amp Assign Selector
The Power Amp Assign Selector gives you extreme flexibility for configuring your home theatre system. You can assign the 10 power amp channels in a variety of ways, including
Ultra Rigid Separate Construction
Because the power amp module is s o c o m p a c t , i t a l l o w s a n i n n o v a t i v e t w o - l a y e r construction. The power amp a n d p r e a m p s e c t i o n s a r e separated by a metal plate, so they perform like two distinct amplifiers. TAOC carbon cast insulators effectively dampen any vibrations.
Precision Distance