What To Expect
Watching TV
Analog Channels
An ÒAÓ next to the channel number denotes that you are watching an analog channel. Analog video is sent in a 4/3 format. Your TV can display these channels in a 16/9 format by pressing the FORMAT button to view the different formats available. Go to page 24 for more explanation of screen formats.
Watching TV
Digital Channels
A ÒDÓ next to the channel number denotes that you are watching a digital channel. Most digital video is sent in a 16/9 format, which fills the screen. However, it is sometimes sent in 4/3 format, which does not fill your screen. The format is dependent on how the station or source component is configuring the video.
Note: If there are bars
Changing Channels
¥Digital channels can have both primary channels (like the analog channel number) and
¥Depending upon the type of signals you have connected to your HDTV, you may notice that the channels change more slowly than usual. This is perfectly normal. Digital channels sometimes take longer to tune.
Chapter 1 Connections and Setup