Using the DVD Menu
4.Enter the code from the Language Codes list at the end of this chapter and press OK (the previous menu appears with your selection shown next to the language option you changed).
5.Press the left arrow button or press GO BACK to return to the previous menu screen.
Note: Remember, your TV/DVD can’t play the disc in the language you have chosen if the disc wasn’t created with that language option.
The glossary contains definitions and information about the features and controls when in the DVD mode.
1.If the disc is playing, press STOP (the DVD’s main menu appears).
2.Highlight Glossary and press OK (the Glossary appears).
3.Use the arrow buttons on your remote to highlight different terms. The definitions appear on the right side of the screen.
Some glossary definitions are more than one page. The scroll icon appears in the definition box to let you know when there’s a second page. To see the rest of the definition:
a.Press the right arrow button. The glossary definition is highlighted.
b.Press the down arrow button. The second page of the definition appears.
c.Press the up arrow button to return to the first page of the definition or press GO BACK to return to the main menu.
4.Press the left arrow button to return to the DVD’s main menu.
Code List Don’t forget to press the OK button after you enter the code.
Language | Code | Language | Code | Language | Code | Language | Code |
Abkhazian | 6566 | French | 7082 | Lithuanian | 7684 | Sindhi | 8368 |
Afar | 6565 | Frisian | 7089 | Macedonian | 7775 | Singhalese | 8373 |
Afrikaans | 6570 | Galician | 7176 | Malagsy | 7771 | Siswati | 8383 |
Albanian | 8381 | Georgian | 7565 | Malay | 7783 | Slovak | 8375 |
Ameharic | 6577 | German | 6869 | Malayalam | 7776 | Slovenian | 8376 |
Arabic | 6582 | Greek | 6976 | Maltese | 7784 | Somali | 8379 |
Armenian | 7289 | Greenlandic | 7576 | Maori | 7773 | Spanish | 6983 |
Assamese | 6583 | Guarani | 7178 | Marathi | 7782 | Sundanese | 8385 |
Aymara | 6588 | Gujarati | 7185 | Moldavian | 7779 | Swahili | 8387 |
Azerbaijani | 6590 | Hausa | 7265 | Mongolian | 7778 | Swedish | 8386 |
Bashkir | 6665 | Hebrew | 7387 | Naru | 7865 | Tagalog | 8476 |
Basque | 6985 | Hindi | 7273 | Nepali | 7869 | Tajik | 8471 |
Bengali; Bangla | 6678 | Hungarian | 7285 | Norwegian | 7879 | Tamil | 8465 |
Bhutani | 6890 | Icelandic | 7383 | Occitan | 7967 | Tatar | 8484 |
Bihari | 6672 | Indonesian | 7378 | Oriya | 7982 | Telugu | 8469 |
Bislama | 6673 | Interlingua | 7365 | Oromo (Afan) | 7977 | Thai | 8472 |
Breton | 6682 | Interlingue | 7369 | Panjabi | 8065 | Tibetan | 6679 |
Bulgarian | 6671 | Inupiak | 7375 | Pashto, Pushto | 8083 | Tigrinya | 8473 |
Burmese | 7789 | Irish | 7165 | Persian | 7065 | Tonga | 8479 |
Byelorussian | 6669 | Italian | 7384 | Polish | 8076 | Tsonga | 8483 |
Cambodian | 7577 | Japanese | 7465 | Portuguese | 8084 | Turkish | 8482 |
Catalan | 6765 | Javanese | 7487 | Quechua | 8185 | Turkmen | 8475 |
Chinese | 9072 | Kannada | 7578 | 8277 | Twi | 8487 | |
Corsican | 6779 | Kashmiri | 7583 | Romanian | 8279 | Ukrainian | 8575 |
Croatian | 7282 | Kazakh | 7575 | Russian | 8285 | Urdu | 8582 |
Czech | 6783 | Kinyarwanda | 8287 | Samoan | 8377 | Uzbek | 8590 |
Danish | 6865 | Kirghiz | 7589 | Sangho | 8371 | Vietnamese | 8673 |
Dutch | 7876 | Kirundi | 8278 | Sanskrit | 8365 | Volapük | 8679 |
English | 6978 | Korean | 7579 | Scots Gaelic | 7168 | Welsh | 6789 |
Esperanto | 6979 | Kurdish | 7585 | Serbian | 8382 | Wolof | 8779 |
Estonian | 6984 | Laothian | 7679 | 8372 | Xhosa | 8872 | |
Faroese | 7079 | Latin | 7665 | Sesotho | 8384 | Yiddish | 7473 |
Fiji | 7074 | Latvian, Lettish | 7686 | Setswana | 8478 | Yoruba | 8979 |
Finnish | 7073 | Lingala | 7678 | Shona | 8378 | Zulu | 9085 |
32 | Graphics contained within this publication are for representation only. | Chapter 5 |