. Some cable TV companies alter "premium pay channels" Since the signals of these premium pay channels are scrambled, a cable TV converter/descrambler is generally provided to the subscriber by the cable TV company This converter/descrambter is necessary tar normal viewing of the scrambled channeJs (Set your TV to channe_ 3 or 4, typically one of these channels is used it"this is unknown, consult your cable TV company ) For more specific instructions on installing cable TV, consult your cable TV company. One possible method of utilizing the conver_er/descrambler provided by your cable TV company is explained below
Please note'An RF switch provided with two inputs (A and B) is required (not supplied)
_A" position on the RF switch (not supplled): You can v_ew all unscrambfed channels by using the TV'schannel keys
_'B"position on the RF switch (not supplied): You can view the scrambled channels via the converterldescrambler by using the converter's channel keys
RF switch (not supplied}
_ | Cable TV Line |
1 (nol suppl}od} J
ConsulI your SHARP
: | Power Connection | .... | :_ :''_ |
Connect !o the POWER INPUT terminal of the LCD TV set using the AC cord (soppl}ed)
- AC INPUT terminal
(ACt20 V)
Household power outlet
AC cord
•Unplug the AC ca_d!_remIhe power gutter when the LCD TV set is not to be used tot e long period of lime