About AudioGate's Copy Protection
AudioGate uses USB copy protection.
Follow the following steps to activate the software after installation.
1.Connect your MR recorder to the computer where AudioGate is installed, and set it to [USB MODE].
2.Wait until the hard drive of the recorder is mounted to the computer, and launch AudioGate.
3.The message "AUDIOGATE ACTIVATED." will appear, and AudioGate will launch.
Although this process is usually required just once, you may be asked to repeat the activation process occasionally depending on the computer configuration.
Release Notes
Changes and revisions in v2.0.1 from v2.0.0
-Microsoft Windows Vista
-Fixes a problem on some computers where AudioGate would keep asking for an MR recorder to be present, even after proper activation.
Some minor bugs have also been fixed.
Changes and revisions in v2.0.0 from v1.5.2
Added support for reading and creating DSD Discs.
AudioGate is now able to read and create a new
Added support for reading and creating audio CDs.
AudioGate can now load tracks directly from an audio CD. These files can be handled just like any normal audio file, which enables you to directly edit and convert them to any format that AudioGate supports. AudioGate can also create an audio CD from any format imported into the songlist. Reading and writing of
Supported file formats expanded.
AudioGate now supports a wider range of formats, including the ability to import and export FLAC files.