Calculator Operation
All of the functions except the memory are accessible via the
keyboard too. Log base 10 is L, natural logs is N, percent is P, +/- is M, sin is S, cosine is C, tangent is T, square root is R, yth
root of x is Y, and clear is X or Escape.
You obtain the inverse functions in the same way as the buttons, by holding down the option key and selecting the appropriate key, eg
The calculator keys will appear to be depressed when the keyboard is used to give a visual clue as to which keys have been pressed.
The Preferences File
iMalc uses a preferences file to store certain values, including the current flavour, the window position and the contents of the memory.
If you trash the iMalc Preferences file, which is located in the Preferences Folder of the System Folder, these values will be reset to their default values.
Calculator Operation
iMalc Manual