Follow these steps to run Auto Setup, which will set the clock and save local channels automatically.
1 S E T M E N U L A N G U A G E
The first time you turn on your DVD+VCR, you will be prompted to set the menu language. Press 1 for English, 2 for French or 3 for Span- ish.
2 C O N F I R M A N T E N N A / C A B L E C O N N E C T I O N
If you have not already done so, make sure you have connected an antenna or basic cable to the “IN (FROM ANT.)” jack on the DVD+VCR back panel. Press SETUP/ENTER to continue.
3R U N A U T O S E T U P
As soon as you press SETUP/ENTER, the DVD+VCR will automatically perform the following steps:
Auto Channel Search – Automatically detects whether an antenna or cable is connected, then searches for all active channels in your area. If Auto Channel Search is unable to locate channels in your area, you can search and add channels manually; see page 41.
Auto Clock Set – Sets the DVD+VCR’s internal clock. If Auto Clock Set is unable to find a channel to set the clock, you can set the clock manually; see pages
• This procedure may take a few minutes to complete. When finished, the DVD+VCR will display the lowest channel found.
• Please proceed with Chapter 2 for a Quick Tour of the DVD+VCR system.
•If no channels were found in your area, the DVD+VCR will alert you and then display the “Channel Setup” menu; see page 41.
•If Auto Setup was unable to detect the time, the DVD+VCR will alert you and then display the “Set Month” menu; see page 39.
1 - Getting Started