-For afternoon programmes between 14:00 and 20:00 press the DAG button
-For evening programmes between 20:00 and 24:00 press the AVOND button.
-For night programmes between 00:00 and 6:00 press the NACHT button.
When you press the + button, you will get detailed information about the selected programmes (summary of the programme, actors, presentators, directors, producers,...).
8.2.3Choosing programmes on the basis of time
When you select FILM, SPORT, JEUGD, DOCUMENTAIRES EN OVERIGE GENRES (movies, sports, youth, documentaries or other kinds) and then press B, you can select a programme on the basis of the starttime. After that, when you press OK, the EPG will look for the corresponding programme. Then, you can store this channel in the LIJST GESELECTEERDE PROGRAMMA'S.
8.2.4 Reminder
The receiver will warn you when a programme you have entered in the LIJST GESELECTEERDE PROGRAMMA'S is going to start.
You can install the type of warning signal via the MENU.
•Press MENU and then 4 and 1.
A few minutes before the beginning of the programme, you will be warned. In HERINNERING you can choose:
-audio: the decoder will utter a BEEP.
When you press the + button, the name of the programme you have stored in the memory will appear.
-When a programme which has been stored is broadcast, it will be automatically erased from the memory.
-A maximum of 8 programmes can be stored in the memory.
-A programme which has been stored is indicated in the EPG or INFO with a symbol.
8.3 Selecting programmes
With this option, you can select your favourite programmes on the basis of various criteria.
If you choose SELECTEREN PROGRAMMA'S and then D (select), you have the choice between three possibilities:
-Theme (Genre)
-Time (Tijdstip)
-Channel (Kanaal)
When you have adapted the criteria to your own preferences, you can search for a programme with the E button. With the + button, you can request further information. With the B button, you can, by adding the start time of the programme, include an extra criterion in the search.
8.4 List of selected programmes
In the list of the selected programmes you will find all the programmes you have stored in the memory of the receiver. Here you will find two types of programmes:
-programmes you have selected in the MENU to be recorded (indicated with PROGRAMMERING OPNAME) ; when these programmes start, the receiver will automatically switch on the channel on which the programme is to be broadcast.
-programmes you've selected in the EPG ; when these programmes start, the receiver gives you a warning signal.
-You can also delete a programme from this list by selecting the programme and pressing OK.