Controlling the source
The source controls allow you to control the LIFESTYLE® system AM/FM radio and an iPod or iPhone that is docked in the main room. The source controls may also control some of the features of the source connected to the rear of the LIFESTYLE® system. The Bose® remote control in the main room must first be configured through the UNIFY® menu to control a connected source.
Source controls
FM preset list
(when selecting from within any source except AM. In the AM source, AM preset list is shown.)
Quick Replay/Skip Backward (Press)
OR Seek Backward/Rewind (Press and hold)
Quick Skip/Skip Forward (Press)
Seek Forward/Fast Forward (Press and hold)
Play (Press),
Pause (Press)
Confirm house code change (Press when the appropriate UNIFY® display appears in the main room. See “House Codes” on page 24.)
Shuffle iPod songs/albums (Use Encore button for repeat)
Not used
Repeat iPod selection(s) Not used
Previous/Next iPod playlist
Change to the iPod source and display a menu of iPod playlists