Using the TV Menu
TV Rating - Children
Blocks TV shows based on children’s age rating.
1)In the Parental Controls menu, select TV Rating-Children and press
2)Highlight Age or Fantasy Violence and press SELECT.
3)Press SELECT on a desired rating of the followings.
-View: Not rated
TV Rating - General
Blocks TV shows based on general’s age rating.
1)In the Parental Controls menu, select TV
2)Press SELECT on a desired
Age – Dialogue – Language – Sex - Violence
3)Select a desired restriction rating of the followings in the each
-View: Not rated.
No Rating Program
Blocks the TV signal or movies displayed without restriction ratings.
1)In the Parental Controls menu, select No Rating Program and press
2)Press SELECT on a desired option of the followings.
-View: When TV signal or movies display without restriction ratings, All signals will be unblocked, and you can view any other program
-Block: When TV signal or movies display without restriction ratings, TV or Movies signal will be blocked, and a blank screen will be displayed.